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A/N this chapters a long one how you enjoy. 2626 words

"turn it off." Josh grumbled as he tucked himself further into the comforter.

"I can turn it off but we still need to get up joshie." Tyler stated

"Five more minuets, I want cuddles." Josh pleaded as he clung to Tyler.

"Fine, five more minuets that's all then we're gonna meet the crew for soundcheck."

"M'kay" Josh hummed as he snuggled further into Tyler. Smiling as Tyler hugged him back.

The five minuets passed too soon and Tyler was soon hauling Josh up with him to at least walk to the lounge where the crew usually was.

"C'mon sleepy boy we need to go be social." Tyler said as he basically lifted Josh out of bed into a standing position, nudging him forward to the lounge.

"Hey guys" Tyler said as he seen mark, Brad and Jordan sat in the lounge

"Hey, was just about to get you" mark says in reply

"What's the plan for soundcheck today, still 2 o'clock?" Tyler asked

"Yep, still going in at 2. Could we make sure we soundcheck heathens and car radio ready for tonight, we had some difficulties last show and i want to make sure we don't again." Mark said knowing how annoyed Tyler got because things kept going wrong. He also remembers the lovely note Josh left him. (A/N I wonder how many people pick up on this)

"Yeah sounds good. Is there anything in particular you want to sound check joshie?" Tyler said trying to include him in the conversation.

"Eerm I don't really mind, whatever you feel needs doing. I'm pretty okay with everything. Haven't had any major problems." Josh said, rambling slightly as he hit the nail of his thumb

Tyler placed his hand on Josh's knee, rubbing his thumb across his knee and thigh. He could tell Josh was anxious, he couldn't pinpoint the exact reason but he made a mental note to keep and eye on him.

The five of them had a nice catch up whilst waiting till it was a reasonable time to go to soundcheck. Soon enough they were heading into the arena to start

They started with both heathens and car radio. This time them going better. The lights were synced to the correct time and the crew were more confident that it would go smoothly tonight. Tyler then tested the judge to make sure all the packs on his ukekele were working correctly.

A few more short songs and they were confident that tonight was going to go smoothly in regards to them playing songs.

The pair were given the okay to then go to their dressing room or back to the bus before their shoe started.

The pair decided to go back to the bus again, there was no need to be in the dressing room till five at the earliest and it was only half three now.

They both walked back to the bus and went to the bedroom seeing as there was none of the crew there to talk to.

They both situated themselves on the bed and Tyler turned the TV on asking him what he wanted to watch. Glancing over at Josh he noticed that he still looked evidently anxious, picking his nails and his eyes shifting nervously every now and again.

"You okay baby?" Tyler asked as he placed his hand on Josh's knee again

"Hm, what?yeah m'fine" Josh said,Tyler's hand on his knee startling him

"Now why don't I believe you baby?" Tyler questioned

"Dunno" Josh said quietly

Tyler sat and observed him for a moment,realising that whenever his eyes shifted they would linger on the right side of the room where the bags were. More specifically his light blue one.

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