One Week

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Craig crept downstairs, turned the latch on the front door, and slowly opened it to reveal the heavy coated male figure. He pulled his fluffy hood down to show his messy blond hair, and smiled.

The black duffle bag hanging by his side immediately caught Craig's eye. It was most likely filled with clothes and other living essentials. He did 'run away,' after all. Craig stepped out of the way, granting his new companion access. Kenny stepped inside, and Craig quickly shut the door behind him as not to let the cold air inside the house.

"Get upstairs," he demanded in a hushed whisper. He ushered Kenny up the stairs, and into his bedroom. If his Dad found out he was sneaking people into the house in the middle of the night, there was no telling what he'd do.

Kenny slipped the duffle bag off his shoulder, allowing it to drop to the floor with a heavy thud. Craig cringed at the sound, praying that it didn't disturb anyone else in the house. Kenny turned to face him, and gave him another smile, though this one seemed more nervous than happy.

"So I guess you're probably wondering what's going on right about now, huh?" He laughed awkwardly. Craig nodded, his eyebrows lowering to create an annoyed expression.

"Yeah. Everybody thinks you're missing, where were you?" He asked.

Kenny breathed in deeply. "I couldn't stay home, man," he confessed. "I've been planning on leaving for a while, but I couldn't just leave Karen, so I drove her to Denver. Kevin and his girlfriend are hiding her, but Kevin told me he couldn't hide two people at once, so I came back, but my car broke down a few miles back, so I just walked until I reached the closest house, which just happened to be yours."

"Where did your car break down?" Craig asked in his flat tone of voice.

"Somewhere near Hell's Pass, I think."

" walked here from the hospital?" Craig questioned. Kenny nodded his head casually, before sitting down Indian style, and unzipping his duffle bag. Craig watched him. "The hospital is five miles away," he said. Kenny nodded his head again. He pulled out a water bottle, unscrewed the cap, and began gulping down the liquid like it was the last drink he'd ever get.

Craig shook his head. "Dude, what are you gonna do?" He asked, deciding to move on from the fact that Kenny just walked five miles through freezing weather, as he didn't seem at all concerned over it.

"What do you mean?" He asked, wiping his mouth off with the sleeve of his parka. Craig crouched down to be on his level.

"You don't have a car anymore," he reminded him. "You don't have anywhere to go."

"Well... can't I just crash here for a few nights?"

Craig glanced around the room like he was seeing it for the first time, before narrowing his eyes at Kenny. "If my parents find you, they'll immediately call the cops, and then they'll either arrest you for kidnapping your little sister, or take you home."

"I can live in your closet!" Kenny pointed a finger to the closed closet door. "I don't need a whole lot of space. It would be perfect!"

Craig walked over and opened his closet. There wasn't really anything special inside. Just clothes and a couple boxes filled with old toys. Things that could easily be moved out of the way. Craig stepped back to look at it, and began chewing on the nail of his middle finger thoughtfully.

He could probably get away with hiding Kenny for a couple nights. Since his teenage years began, his parents seemed very hesitant on entering his room without permission, which was understandable. He would be scared of barging into a sixteen year old boy's bedroom too.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. This was absolutely insane! He couldn't hide another human being in his closet... could he?

"How long did you say you needed to stay? A couple days?"

"Yeah. Days... or weeks, possibly."


Craig spun around to face Kenny again. "Dude! You can't just move in here! What are you gonna do after you leave here? Where are you going?"

Kenny went quiet. His silence, accompanied by his nervous stare was more than enough to confirm Craig's fears.

He had no idea.

"No," Craig said sternly. "I'm not hiding you for more than a week."

"I'll take a week!" Kenny said, eagerly jumping to his feet. He put his hands on Craig's shoulders, and came inches from his face. His eyes were wide and pleading. "I'll be gone by next Tuesday! You'll barely even be able tell I was here!"

"Don't touch me," Craig said, pushing Kenny away to create some distance between the two. Kenny backed up without protest.

"So what do you say?" He asked. "Just for a week?"

"Fine," Craig gave in. Kenny smiled widely.

"Oh my God, thank you! I promise, I'll find a way to repay you for this."

Craig rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to bed."

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