It's over (pt.1/2)

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"Oooooh that's not good," Cartman said. That set an alarm off in Craig's head.

"Stan, get away from him!" Karen squealed, jumping into the passenger seat beside him. Stan's eyes narrowed and he floored it, sending all three boys and the baby tumbling back. Kyle wrapped his arms around the infant protectively, but when he lifted him to see his face again, was completely taken back by a set of wide blue eyes and a mouth struggling to form words.

"Uh, I think he got bigger."

"Give him!" Cartman snatched little Kenny again and tossed him to Craig. "You get over there and hang on. Stan, try to lose him. Kyle," he suddenly pulled a pistol out of his pack pocket. The ginger jumped back in alarm, but quickly accepted the weapon, understanding that there was no time to ask questions.

He just wished it wasn't covered in body sweat.

The back doors flung open and shots were immediately fired. The red pickup swerved a little, before it was revealed that a couple more men had been hiding out in the bed of the truck. Armed men.

"Oh shit!" Stan exclaimed, seeing the situation from the rearview mirror. "If one bullet hits my van I'm kicking your ass Cartman!"

Craig watched with wide eyes. Meanwhile, Kenny pushed himself up into a wobbly standing position, and stumbled forward a few steps. "Kenny!" Craig yelled as he grabbed Kenny by the waist and pulled him down to his butt. "Stay here!"

"They need help!" He screamed in an annoyingly whiny tone. Craig cringed at the sound, feeling heavily disgusted and uncomfortable with the situation, but pushed his feelings asside for the time being.

"You're three feet tall!" He screamed in response.

"And Naked!" Cartman reminded.

A bullet wizzed through the air and tore through the fabric of Karen's seat, missing her body by a hair. She screamed and jumped closer to Stan for protection. Stan looked around fearfully, before taking a deep breath. Some sacrifices needed to be made. Goodbye new paint job.

"Shut the doors!" He called back. Kyle was quick to act on that, much to Cartman's dismay. Stan shut the headlights off and made a dangerously sharp left turn onto a hidden mountain road through the woods. The van lifted on one side breifly, before falling back down again with a hard THUD.

The road had been abondoned for years. The trees had overgrown and the branches scraped and scratched at the metal.

"Are they following?!" Karen cried.

Kyle peaked out the back windows. Two bright headlights still shone behind them, though at a further distance. The turn must have caught Stuart off guard, so they got some distance between them. "It might be too dark, we could lose them easily, I'm sure of it!"

Kenny stood up again. He had to be five or six now. The orange parka thankfully reached his knees covering him. "Who's with him?" He asked.

"It looked like Darryl and skeeter, and some other guy in a ski mask," Kyle explained.

The road was bumpy and dangerous. They were going higher onto the mountain, and with the headlights switched off like this, who knew where they'd end up. Cartman laughed anxiously. "Well at least it couldn't get any worse, right?"

And then, as if on cue, fat snowflakes began to fall hard onto the earth, covering the windshield almost instantly. Stan scrambled to turn the windshield wipers on, but that didn't seem to help much. His sanity seem to snap at that exact second, and immediately he hung out of his window shaking his fist at the sky screaming "WHY DO YOU HATE ME!?"

"Stan!" Karen screamed, grabbing hold of the wheel to keep it steady.

Kenny turned to face Craig. He had to have been eight or nine now. The aging process must have sped up the older he got. Eight year old Kenny...

For a moment Craig saw the reinforest behind him. The giant holes and hives, and ruins and the rest of Peru. Kenny gave him his best reassuring smile, despite clearly being scared out of his mind. "Lighten up, Craig," he teased.

"You're an idiot," Craig said, having the smile. "I... I'm sorry, man. I didn't think things would be taken this far." He looked around at his current surroundings. Kyle was still watching the window, Cartman was laying against the wall catching his breath, Karen was curled up in the passenger seat, and Stan was struggling to see through the windsheild as they climbed the mountain.

Another sharp turn was made, and they all tumbled to the right. "Sorry, we were about to go over a cliff," Stan called back casually. Craig watched Kenny as he seemed to visibly grow older. He'd enter his teenage years soon enough.

"I'm sorry, none of this would have happened if it wasn't for me making dad mad," Karen confessed, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry I did all of this," Kenny said, his own tears spilling as well.

"I'm sorry I was so negative all the time," Kyle said sorrowfully.

"I'm sorry I was so mean to all of you!" Cartman sobbed.

Kyle looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?"

"No you stupid Jew," he laughed, "I don't have anything to apologize for! I'm saving your asses now!" He looked at Craig. "You owe me your life, by the way."

"Oh fuck you Cartman! I thought you were doing this to save your best friend! You have watching necklaces!" He gestured to twelve year old Kenny.

Cartman waved it off. "He already saved my life. This is just payback... and Kinny, we agreed to never show our necklaces unless if one of us died and the other wanted to have authoritah over the last will intestiment!"

"You only made that rule so you could get more of my stuff every time I died!" Kenny argued.

"They're coming!" Kyle exclaimed.

"We're running out of gas!" Stan cried.

"I thought you filled up the tank before we left!"

"I thought we wouldn't be chased up a mountain with a rapidly aging baby by a bunch of crazy redneck lunitics but I guess we were both wrong!" Stan narrowed his eyes at the road ahead. They were coming up on another barely visible cliff. "Open the doors and everybody jump out!"



Every door on the van was flung open. Stan grabbed Karen and hopped out of the fast moving vehicle. Kyle tumbled out the back and scrambled off to the side while Cartman's chunky body rolled into a tree.

Kenny and Craig barely managed to escape before the van went over the edge.


Chapter was too long, I halved it.

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