Into the Closet

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Hey, this chapter is gonna be... weird. Like, kinda sexual, but not actually sexual... basically, there's porn. There is pornography, and it's gay, but I know you're all probably waiting for something like that, you sick little freaks. Anyways, you've been warned.


"I don't know if I'm comfortable with this," Craig admitted. He sat in the back of the closet, watching as Kenny closed the door, trapping them both inside. Kenny then sat Craig's laptop down on the floor, and scooted in next to him.

"Don't worry. You're a sixteen year old boy, this is what you're supposed to be doing with your life." He opened the laptop, and immediately put it on private browser. Craig fidgeted nervously with the sleeves of his blue jacket.

"Should we use earbuds? I think we should use earbuds. My parents will hear it."

"This closet is practically soundproof, dude," Kenny said in attempt to reassure him. Craig looked around the closet.

"Yeah, but still..."

"Fine." Kenny reached into Craig's pocket and pulled his black earbuds out. He plugged them into the side of the laptop, and put one in his ear. Craig took the other one, and put it in. Kenny typed a perverted request into the search bar, and the page almost immediately filled with graphic images of guys. Knowing that Craig had no interest in girls, he went head first into the gay side of porn.

Craig's face was hot enough to melt the earbud cord hanging down the side of his cheek by this point. His heart was racing.

"Which video do you wanna watch first?" Kenny asked casually, as he scrolled down. Craig closed his eyes and sank into his jacket like a turtle.

"I changed my mind. Let's just go to bed."

"No way!" Kenny exclaimed. "Come on, it's not hurting anybody. You're already here." He gave Craig a smile. Craig inhaled deeply, and came back out. He looked at the screen.

"I-I don't know, you pick one," he said nervously. Kenny nodded, and scrolled for a bit more, before finding one that he thought looked interesting. He clicked on it, and leaned back against the closet wall. The video started off pretty casual. Nobody was naked yet, which Craig was grateful for.

"Sometimes they have a little storyline to go with them," Kenny explained. "They're fun to watch sometimes, but they always end the same way." He couldn't help but smirk to himself.

A couple minutes passed, before the film reached its pornographic scene. Craig's eyes widened at the sight of the two guys' bodies. Kenny observed his friend's reaction, finding it more interesting than the video itself. He blatantly stared at him, but Craig was so absorbed in the film that he didn't even notice.

Kenny also took note of the way Craig shifted. He knew exactly what it meant. It meant that Craig was enjoying this. But he was still too tense. He still fidgeted with his sleeves, his fingers trembling. Without thinking, Kenny grabbed one of his hands, and pulled it away from the other. Craig turned his head to look at Kenny, who smiled reassuringly back at him.

"Just let loose, man."

Craig gulped, and returned his gaze to the laptop screen. Kenny still kept a hold on his hand. He watched the X-rated film until the end. When it finally stopped playing, Kenny looked at his companion. "Well?" He asked curiously.

"Well what?" Craig responded, furrowing his eyebrows as if completely clueless. Kenny rolled his eyes.

"What did you think?"

"Oh." Craig pursed his lips. He looked like he was thinking really hard about this, like Kenny had asked him some unnecessarily complex math problem. "I don't know, it was fine." Kenny shrugged, accepting that answer as being good enough.

"You'll get more comfortable with it once you start watching more. But if you ask me, I personally prefer the real thing over a movie." He winked playfully. "No get out of my closet."

Craig laughed, easing up a little. He took the earbud out, collected his laptop, and exited the closet. "Goodnight Kenny," he said, giving Kenny a small smile. Kenny grinned widely.

"Goodnight Craig," He said. The closet door was left cracked open as Craig went to bed. He barely got any sleep however, due to now being riled up in his lower quarters. Maybe next time he should watch it alone so that he could handle this problem, instead of just trying to ignore it.

He listened to Kenny shuffling around in the closet, and wondered if he was having the same problem. He doubted Kenny would allow this to go unresolved. He was probably taking care of it right now... Craig shook his head to clear his thoughts. What the hell was wrong with him? Normal people don't have these types of thoughts about their friends.

But then again, normal people don't keep people in their closet. Normal people don't go to Peru to shoot lasers out of their eyes and defeat giant guinea pig pirates. Normal people don't do a lot of the things Craig has done or is currently doing.

The rustling from inside the closet suddenly ceased. Craig turned his head to look at the closet door. Silence filled the room.

"Kenny?" Craig said after a few seconds. The door opened and Kenny peeked out at him.


"Just seeing if you were okay. You got really quiet there for a second."


Sorry if I got you excited for some crazy sex scene. I wasn't sure if I should put a warning on this chapter, because it isn't really even that dirty. It may have been anticlimactic, but I promise there will be dirty stuff in future chapters, so beware.

You're probably so disappointed right now...😅

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