Chapter 9

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Gif is from the website Giphy

A/n: Sorry for the day late update but I hope this is okay! This chapter is long, so I hope it's not too boring. I made some changes to allow Y/n be more involved. Hope you like them and that Bender isn't too OOC. I feel like he is but I'm not sure. But, I'm sorry if he is and for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Anyway! enjoy the update! 

Also quick note. I put 'whistling/hum'  for those who can't whistle. Don't want to exclude anyone :) Now onto the story!


Some time has passed since the argument from earlier. Everyone is now sitting down in silence. Waiting for the time to go past. You are currently listening to music while sitting next to Bender. You find yourself having to slap Bender's hand a couple of times, as he always tries to take your headphones off you. No doubt wanting to listen too.

Everyone pecks up when the door opens. You quickly take your headphones off and hide them. Scared that Venom will take them away once he spots them. You let out a sigh of relief when realising it's only the janitor that opened the door.

You slump in your chair as you watch the janitor push the cart inside while Bender sits up. Hands-on the table as he watches with interest. No doubt wondering if he can mock him. As the janitor goes into one of the offices to empty the bins, he looks over the group of six. Spotting a familiar face.

"Brian, how you doing? " the janitor greeted with a smile on his face. You turn around to look at Brian. Surprised to learn he knows the janitor. "Your dad works here?" Bender asks as he turns around too. You notice how embarrassed Brian seems. So you quickly turn away to watch the Janitor. Just in time to see Bender begin his schemes.

"Uh, Carl? " Bender calls out. Gaining said Janitor's attention. Getting the name from the embroider nametag on the grey jumpsuit the Janitor is wearing.

"What?" Carl response.

"Can I ask you a question?" You narrow your eyes at Bender. Recognising that glint of mischief shining in his eyes. "Bender" you softly warn. Yet you get ignored as Bender continues.

"Sure," Carl answered, intrigued yet cautious. Maybe he knows Bender is up to something and is preparing for the worst.

"How does one become a janitor?" Bender asks with fake interest. " Well, here we go again" you softly comment as you cross your arms. Just as Bender softly hit your arm. Silently telling you to shut up. You glare at him.

"You wanna be a janitor?"

" No, I just wanna know how one becomes a janitor because Andrew here, is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts," Bender answered. Causing Andrew to throw him a nasty look. Not wanting to be dragged in. Only to shrink as Carl gives him a look.

"Oh, really?"Carl asks with an eerie calm yet angry aura around him. You wonder if Bender accidentally pushed him to his breaking point, " You guys think I'm just some untouchable peasant? Peon? Huh? Maybe so, but following a broom around after shitheads like you for the past eight years I've learned a couple of things...I look through your letters," You sit up straight with worry in your eyes. You value your privacy and rather know no one goes through your things.

" I look through your lockers' ", you notice how Bender's smile vanishes as he looks worried as well. You both share a glance,"...I listen to your conversations, you don't know that but I do...I am the eyes and ears of this institution my friends." Carl answers as he pushes his cart to the door. Pausing to look at his watch and back at the clock. Only to turn to the ground with a smug smile," By the way, that clock's twenty minutes fast!". Carl points out as he leaves the library, causing everyone to groan annoyingly.

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