Invitation to a pair duel

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"Graduation pictures?" I Asked "ya! We're putting together an album for all the graduates!" Said Blair "Now day cheese!"

"Is there anything else I should know?" I Asked "oh ya! We're holding a duel tournament! Be there Luna" Said hassleberry as they both ran off "Seems like this duel tournament will be a blast my lady" said S.Falco

I didn't say anything, all I was thinking about was graduation

~time skip~

"Hey luna!" Yelled a voice, I turned seeing Blair and Alexis "what's up you two?" I Asked "have you seen Jaden?" Asked Alexis

"Actually ya, I'll take you to him" I Said

As we got there, he was fishing "Jaden, the pictures for the graduation album. You haven't taken a single one!" Said Alexis

"Ah, yeah" Said Jaden "Hey! Come over here!" Yelled Alexis as she lifted him up by his jacket collar "idiot! It's dangerous!" Yelled Jaden

Blair, Alexis and Jaden were taking pictures in the forest for the album "hey Luna, you wanna take a picture with Jaden?" Asked Alexis "huh? Oh uh...sure why not" I Said walking over to him.

"So cute! Okay you two say cheese!" Said Blair "alright! They were taken perfectly!" Said Blair "Blair you might appear in the graduation album to" Said Alexis

"Lucky!" Said Blair "it's done now, right?" Asked Jaden. As he started walking off "wait! It's Graduation soon, so why don't you help out more? Certainly, our relationship became a bit awkward after the incident in another world. But we're friends who fought together in this duel academy for three years, haven't we?" Asked Alexis

He didn't answer he just kept walking "Jaden, wait! Next week there's a duel party, you can come if you want I'm not making you" I Said

~a week later~

Everyone was in the gym having a blast "Luna!" Yelled a voice, I turned seeing Cyrus and Chazz "hey you two, enjoying this party?"
I asked "Yup! The food here is great!" Said Chazz "hmm? Hey Luna, is Jesse texting you again?" Asked Cyrus "hmm? Looks like it, I'll talk to you guys in a bit I need to take this" I Said walking out of the gym.

Jesse: hey Luna, sorry if I disrupted something

Luna:no you didn't, I'm just at a duel party

Jesse: that sounds really fun! I'm just bored in my dorm

Luna: it's kinda boring without you, but I'm having a blast with Alexis and the others

Jesse: that's good! How's Jaden?

Luna: he's good... he hasn't showed up to the party yet I don't think he's going to come

Jesse: don't give up hope yet love, I have to go but call me before you head to sleep

Luna: Alright, see ya Jess

As I walked back in the gym the lights were off "Then, let us start today's main program! The third year students versus inferior students pair duel tournament!" Said hassleberry

"This day got way more fun" I Said "everyone divides into third years and inferior students. As a boy/girl, we tag duel. Thought, we'll change taste and apply a different rule. Two people will take turns to do a turn and battle the other pair." Said hassleberry

"Seems like old times back at domino city, when I had to do a tag duel with sapphire to win back her dragon" I Said "Seems like you already know the rules my lady" said S.Falco

"Now, let's choose a partner and move to the big gym where the duels take place!" Said hassleberry



Yelled the students, me and Alexis were both surrounded by all of the students "Luna, pair up with me" Said a husky voice, I turned seeing a talk dark haired man "I...I uh..." I stuttered

"Shy aren't you" Said the man "s...sure why not..w...what's your name anyways?" I Asked "kito hijimuko, and it's an honour to be duelling with you lady Luna" Said kito

"Hmm? Jaden..." I said, then a spot light shined above both Alexis and Jaden "what's this? The boy Alexis chose as her partner is Jaden! Of course, the strongest pair in third year is only These two!" Said hassleberry

"Ahh! So cute!" I Said

~time skip~

"You ready for this Luna?" Asked kito "Yup! You can count on me and my dragons to back you up kito" I Said

"How cute, we get the princess and the flirt" Said our opponent "shall we begin then" I Said "we shall"


Luna and Kito:4000
Haru and Miku:4000

"Ladies first! I'll summon red stone of legends, then activate it's effect! By sending it to the grave I can summon Red-eyes black dragon!" I Said


"I'll place this card face down and end my turn your move!" I Said

~time skip~ (final round)

"Luna? Where are you going?" Asked kito "heading for a walk, I need it after that defeat we had against Jaden and Alexis" I Said "let me come with you than" suggested kito "sure..." I Said

I was walking with kito, it was quiet I was texting Jesse about what's been happening, kito then spoke up "it would be nice, not to text your pathetic boyfriend Luna" Said kito

"Pathetic! He's not!" I Yelled "oh really" Said kito, he then pinned me to the wall "what to prove that Luna with a duel" Said kito

"Your on!"




"I'll start! By using the spell future fusion! By sending these five dragons to my grave I'll
Be able to summon five headed dragon from my extra deck! But why wait, I activate mirror dragon! This card let's me take out fusion material monster from the game to summon that fusion monster! So say goodbye to those five dragons and say hello to five headed dragon!" I Said


"I'll set three cards face down, your move" I Said "Alrighty Then! I draw! I'll summon silent magician lv4 in defence mode and end my turn" Said kito

"My turn! Lord of d, then activate the spell flute of Summoning dragon! So I can summon, blue eyes and Dark Horus!" I Said

I then smiled "dark Horus attack his silent magician! Dark Blast!" I Yelled "blue eyes! White lighting!"


"Five headed dragon! Finish him! Elemental Flare!"


"Now... I'll be taking my leave" I Said walking off "huh? Lady Luna isn't that Jaden and Alexis?" Asked Red-eyes baby dragon

I looked over seeing both of them talking " way, is she going to...confess!" I whispered while watching them

"Uh, I'm so glad I was able to meet you! By this, let's always stay good rivals forever." Said Alexis

"You gotta be kidding me Alexis, she just missed her opportunity to tell him" I Said, I saw Jaden walk away so Alexis

"Luna, isn't it bad to spy on people" when I suddenly heard Jaden's voice I jumped " did you?!"

"Why are you out so late? Shouldn't you be talking to Jesse by now?" Asked Jaden "I...I was about to when I uh...saw you and Alexis talking and I got distracted" I Said

"Really? Well then, maybe you could keep my
Company while talking to Jesse"
Jaden Suggested "sure!" I Said

*jaden...your so dumb sometimes, but one day you'll see your finally tell Alexis how you feel*

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