Jaden Vs Jesse Vs Fujiwara Part:1

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"Jaden, Jesse! Be careful" I Yelled "this'll be fun! I'll show you what I can do to this little girl!" Said Fujiwara



"I'll got first! Draw! I summon Clear phantom in attack mode." Said Fujiwara


"According to this rules of this battle royal triangle duel, I can't attack. I set a card face down and end my turn." Said Fujiwara

"My turn! Draw! I summon CB.Emerald Turtle! In defence mode!" Said Jesse


"Leave this to me Jesse!" Said Emerald turtle "I see 2 cards face down. Turn end." Said Jesse "my turn! Draw! I summon EH.Wildheart!" Said Jaden


"I set 2 cards face down! Turn end!" Said Jaden "Jesse, it's been awhile since we had a tag match." Said Jaden "I can't forget it. That duel that gave me the power of rainbow dragon." Said Jesse

"The same duel, where he sacrificed himself to save you and the other students. Am I right Luna?" Asked Protector but I didn't answer back.

"It's just the memories of a couple of fools. I'm going to eliminate such a sight from my view! My turn. Draw! I activate the field spell, Clear World!" Said Fujiwara

"No this again!" I Said as the field turned clear "Wildheart is an Earth-attribute. That means every one of your turns end phases, you must destroy a monster in your field." Said Fujiwara

"What!" Said Jaden "for a water-attribute monster, you must destroy a card from your hand at the end phase of every turn. Then...! I summon Clear Rage Golem!" Said Fujiwara


"When Clear Phantom and Clear Rage Golem are played, they no longer have an attribute. Therefore, the negative effects of Clear World don't effect me! Clear Phantom, Attack Wildheart!" Said Fujiwara

"Impossible! Wildheart has higher attack points!" Said Jaden

"Cling Cue!" Yelled Fujiwara


"What's the meaning of this?" Asked Jaden "I activate Clear Phantoms effect. When it is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, it can destroy 1 monster on the opponents side of the field." Said Fujiwara "What?!" Said Jaden

"And you must also send the top 3 cards of your deck to the Graveyard!" Said Fujiwara as Jaden sent three cards to the grave from his deck.

"Now you no longer have any monsters on the field... Clear Rage Golem, Attack Jaden Directly! Cling Cruelty!" Yelled Fujiwara

"When this monster successfully attacks directly, the opponent must take 300 points of damage for every card they have in their hand." Said Fujiwara

"I see! This was his aim!" Said Jesse "trap card! A Hero Emerges! You must now select 1 card at random out of the 3 I have in my hand. If it's a monster, I can special summon it to my field!" Said Jaden

"The card farthest to the right." Said Fujiwara "I special summon Clayman in defence mode!" Said Jaden "Trap Card! Trap strap! This card activates when the opponent plays a trap card. When this card activated, it's allows me to set that card in the opponents field!" Said Jesse

"Thank you, Jesse!" Said Jaden "good teamwork guys!" I Yelled "And I can special summon a Crystal beast from my deck! Come! Sapphire Pegasus!" Said Jesse

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