The Dreams

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"How stupid can you be! I'd would never fall in love with a freak like you!" Yelled Jesse "b...but you told me you loved me back at that sandy dimension, what changed your mind?" I Asked

"What, your friend sapphire told me! She told me what you've done to her and other people in the past! That's why I've fallen for her instead so goodbye freak!"

I woke up screaming "w...What was that..."


I was walking around campus, thinking about that dream I had "Luna!" Yelled a voice, I turned seeing Atticus "Hey Atticus! How's it going?" I Asked "good! I was here to bring this to you Luna" Said Atticus, it was a letter I took it and read it.

"What! Kiaba Corp wants me to become a pro duelist..." I Said "but isn't your dream being a researcher?" Asked Atticus "yes...but it's Kaiba we're talking about! I guess I'll try it out" I Said

~time skip~

"Sir Seto, Miss heart is here and ready to duel the opponent you chose for her" Said his agent "Luna, it's good to see you again!" Said Kaiba

"Like wise. Let's get this over and done with Alright" I Said "right, let's get started with the duel you have" Said Kaiba


"Jim! So your my opponent" I Said "Luna, it's good to see you again! I hope everyone's doing fine mate! Now then let's get our game on!"



"I'll start! I'll activate the spell Shaddoll fusion! I'll fusion together Shaddoll Squamata and Shinning angel to summon El Shaddoll Construct!" I Said


"And I'll set three cards facedown and end my turn, your move Jim!"

~time skip~

I was walking back to the boats when I saw sapphire "S...Sapphire!" I Yelled "Luna...I...Is that really you!"

"It's been to long sapphire! How've ya been?" I Asked "good! But shouldn't you be in the shadows by now?" Asked sapphire "huh? W...What do you mean sap?" I Said confused

"Can't you see Luna, the just a mistake in this world! You don't deserve to live or exist!"

My eyes shot open "w...what is with these dreams?! Are these my fears..." I Said "Luna...can I come in" Said a voice, it was Jaden "go ahead"

As he came in I saw a worried look on his face "Jaden, why do you look so worried?" I Asked "Alexis told my she's been hearing you scream for the past couple of nights...what's going on lu?" Asked Jaden

"I...I don't know jay...these dreams, they seems so real! Each one has Jesse and my friend's almost like it's what I fear, losing Jesse and sapphire betraying me" I Said "maybe a duel would keep your mind off it" suggested Jaden

"Are you challenging me to a duel Jaden?" I asked "Yup! It's been awhile since we've duelled and this might help those dreams!" Said Jaden "your on!"


"I'm not holding back Jaden! I'll show you the power of my gems!"



"My move! I'll set this card in defence mode, and set two cards face down and end my turn!" I Said "my turn! I draw! I'll summon EH.Sparkman! Sparkman Attack her facedown, Spark blast!" Yelled Jaden

"Nice try! But, your flipped up gem-turtle! Which has 2000 defence points, and due to its effect I can add one gem fusion card from my deck to my hand!" I Said


"I'll set this card face down and end my turn" Said Jaden "alrighty then! Gem-Armadillo, take the stage!" I Said


"And his effect let's me add one Gem-knight from my deck to my hand! Next I'll activate the spell brilliant fusion! By fusion Gem-knight Sapphire and Amber I can form GK- Aquamarine!"


"Armadillo Attack Sparkman!"


"I'll end my turn with a facedown! You were right Jaden, this duel is distracting me from my dream...!" As I said that, visions started going through my head.

"Luna! Maybe we should stop and try and figure our what's going on" suggested Jaden "no! Go on with the duel Jaden!" I yelled

"If you say so...I draw! I'll activate polymerization! To fuse Avian and Burstinatrix to form EH. Flame Wingman!" Yelled Jaden


"Flame wingman! Destroy that armadillo!"


"And you take extra battle damage equal to your monsters attack points!" Said jaden


"I end my turn" Said Jaden " turn! I draw! GK-sardonyx, bring out the bling!" I Said


next I'll equip her with lucky axe! She gains 500 attack points! And switch my aquamarine to attack mode!"


"Sardonyx! Attack his wingman! Gem slash"


"Aquamarine, Attack him directly!"


"And thanks to his effect he goes back to defence and with that I end my turn!" I Said "my turn! I'll set this card in defence and end" Said jaden

"My turn! I draw! I switch Aquamarine to Attack mode and summon GK-Obsidian! And equip him with axe of fools! He gains 1000 attack points and his effects are negated" I Said

(ATK:1500 + 1000= 2500)

"Obsidian, Attack his facedown!" I Said "Aquamarine! Attack him directly"


"It's game over! Sardonyx, finish this! Gem Flare!"


"Thanks jay...I'll head back to my room k" I Said walking off

When I got to my room I felt m my phone vibrating as i picked up it was Jesse voice "Luna...Jaden told me about your dreams, your scared of me leaving you forever aren't you" Asked Jesse

"Y...ya.. I don't know why tho...I just feel like your going to leave me" I Said "why would I do that! I love you Luna, and I'll only love you! I would never leave you!" Said Jesse

Tears then started coming down my face "I...I love you two Jesse! I...I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here for me" I Said crying

"Love don't cry, I'll always be here for you to talk to" Said Jesse "can you...stay up until I fall asleep Jess?" I asked, I then heard him giggle "anything for my princess"

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