Jaden Vs Jesse Vs Fujiwara Part:2

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"This guy...!" Said Jesse "Clear Monsters don't have an Attribute. And when this monster attacks, it's Attack Points will always be double that of the opponent. Clear Vice Dragon, Attack Flame Wingman!" Said Fujiwara


"Clean Malicious Stream!" Yelled Fujiwara "Jaden!" Yelled Jesse "Permanent Trap open! Hero Shield! I equip it to a monster with E-Hero in its name! When the monster that is equipped with this card is destroyed by battle, this card will be destroyed instead, in place of the monster." Said Jaden

"However, damage is still calculated accordingly." Said Fujiwara


"Jesse, Jaden! If you can hear me listen up!" Yelled protector "your...the protector spirit inside of Luna right?" Asked Jaden "that's right! Now there's a way to save Luna from this darkness." Said Protector

"What is it?" Asked Jesse "when she heard your voice Jesse, the shadows loosened. If you can try and set her free by hearing your voice, then the shadows will let go of her!" Said protector

"Got it! Luna, If you can hear me love please wake up!" Yelled Jesse "J...Jesse...J...Jaden.." I stuttered "we need you to fight the shadows! We need you in this fight! Please little gem...don't let them take over" Said Jesse

"Little...Gem! Jesse! Jaden! Urgh....!" I Said as I was shocked "your back! Now then Jaden, let's show him the power of both our monsters!" Said Jesse "right!" Said Jaden

Jaden then felt a little pain "Jaden, are you okay?" Asked Jesse "ah, at this kind of level... because of Hero's Shield effect, I can draw 2 cards." Said Jaden as he drew

"Hm! When Clear Vice Dragon attacks, at the end of the battle phase, it'll go into defence mode." Said Fujiwara


"Defence points are 0..." Said Jesse "I set a card face down and end my turn." Said Fujiwara "its my turn next, and I'll make sure that the damage/pain you dealt to Jaden and Luna is returned to you." Said Jesse

"What bonds, what memories...those things are trash! One day you will forget about it!" Said Fujiwara

"That maybe true, but you don't know my little Emerald and Jaden. There bond, There memories... they'll never forget that! They'll never forget the times they had with each other, even tho those memories has dark pasts. We can still forgive those things we did." I Said

"If you really treasure such trash... Forget it! Then keep it and treasure it." Said Fujiwara "My turn, draw." Said Jesse

"Go! Combatting Eagle! Attack Clear Vice Dragon!" Yelled Jesse "leave it to me!" Said cobalt "yes!" Said Jaden "cobalt wing!" Yelled Jesse

"Alright~!" Said cobalt, as he attacked his dragon cobalts Attack was redirected "What happened?! Cobalt Eagle?!" Asked Jesse

"My body acted in its own...!" Said cobalt "why are you coming to attack Flame Wingman?!" Asked Jaden

"It's because of the activation of Attribute Gravity. Because of this effect, if the opponent had a monster of the same Attribute of the monster that is attacking, the attacking monster has to attack that monster." Said Fujiwara

"What?!" Said Jesse "from jesses point of view, I am also an opponent... and Flame Wingman, like Cobalt Eagle, has the same Attribute of Wind..." Said Jaden

"Kill each other! Beat your opponent! Your wish has been fulfilled..." Said Fujiwara "Fujiwara!" Yelled Jaden


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