Goodbye, Jaden! A Tearful Graduation Ceremony

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"Seems like it all ended happily... I suppose.." Said Jaden "Aniki!" Yelled Cyrus "Jaden!" Yelled hassleberry

"Cy, Hasselberry!" Said Jaden "Jaden!" Yelled both Chazz and Alexis "Alexis, Chazz!" Said Jaden, everyone then ran towards him happily.

"Jaden!" Yelled Blair as she hugged him "hey...! Guys..."

I was smiling, I was so happy everything was finally over

~time skip~

Everyone was in the class room hearing the graduation ceremony

"So now, let us begin the graduation and the Graduation Duel Ceremony!" Said Crowler "First, I will announce the final result of the Graduation Duel!" Said Crowler

Everyone was excited to hear who got 100 points "but I really don't wanna announce this~! If I were to announce this...! The Graduation Ceremony~! I can't do this~! I will not allow it!" Said Crowler

"Hehe...he still doesn't want us to leave huh? Well...some of us are not really leaving, some of us will might stay to apply for a job here." I Said

"My, my... Then I will announce it instead. And the student that made first place is... There seems to be three... Alexis Rhodes! Chazz Princeton! Cyrus Truesdale!" Said Shepard

We all clapped for them, they all went down and to see the chancellor "however, this is a problem... There is only one Replica deck of the King Of Games, Yugi Muto." Said Shepard

"If that's the case, I pass." Said Chazz "me to." Said Cyrus "I will as well." Said Alexis "but that is the strongest deck the world knows..." Said Shepard

"We understand... that the deck you treasure most of the strongest deck." Said Chazz "that's correct. It has to be your own deck." Said Alexis "the ones with our memories..." Said Cyrus

"Understood... then we shall begin the Graduation Ceremony. Our current Student Representative, Hassleberry Tyranno!" Said Shepard as hassleberry took the stage.

He took a deep breath before speaking "Graduates. Today I give you my deepest congratulations. Looking back, every single one of you graduates... we owe you all so much! How can one repay you for what you've done...?! THANK YOU~?!" Said hassleberry crying


"I congratulate you all on your graduation~!" Said hassleberry as he was taken off the stage "and up next, our Representative Of Graduates, Alexis Rhodes!" Said Shepard

"Yes!" Said Alexis as she went down "first of all, I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for preparing this grand graduation for us. Time sure has gone fast... three years ago. Each of us knocked on the door of this academy with our own hopes and dreams. And in this Duel Academy, we met many friends, teachers, and learned numerous things through Duels. Companions who spent long time together, sometimes fighting, encouraging each other. Duels with you all taught me my strength, weakness, and concerns for the others. Though we may walk towards our own separate roads from now on. Through we may live far apart from each other, we're friends always. The bond that connects Duelists here will last forever. Many troubles and happiness may await us in the future. Whenever we encounter them, we will remember... the life here... and our friends here. I believe that those will guide us our directions we should head toward. Thank you, everyone! Thank you, Duel Academy! And... Goodbye." Said Alexis

"It's hard leaving Alexis and everyone... but my bond with them I will never forget" I Said

~time skip~

"Alexis Rhodes!" Said Shepard "yes!" Said Alexis stepping up "Congratulations on your graduation." Said Shepard handing Alexis her diploma.

"Thank you very much." Said Alexis "Atticus Rhodes!"

"Yes!" Said Atticus stepping up "Congratulations!" Said Shepard

"Chazz Princeton!"

"Yes!" Said Chazz "Congratulations!" Said Shepard handing his diploma "Cyrus Truesdale!"

"Yes!" Said Cyrus stepping up "Congratulations on your Graduation." Said Shepard handing him his diploma

"Thank you very much." Said Cyrus "Jaden Yuki!"

"Yes!" Said Jaden stepping up "Congratulations on your graduation." Said Shepard

"And Luna heart."

"Yes!" I Said stepping up "Congratulations on your graduation!" Said Shepard

~time skip~

It was the grad dinner, everyone was eating, talking or outside as for me... I was still in my room getting ready with Alexis "lex...I don't know about this... are you sure this suits me?" I Asked

"Yes! Now stop complaining and come on!" Said Alexis dragon my arm.

All the girls then screamed "There so Cute!" Yelled one of the guys "hey, big brother... this is embarrassing..." Said Alexis

"Isn't it alright? It's your last night" Asked Atticus

"Graduates. This is your final night at Duel Academy. Drink all you like and talk with your friends until you drop! Then let us make a toast to Duel Academy!" Said Shepard

"TOAST~!" Yelled everyone

"My students... are really graduating~!" Said Crowler "you're still saying that?" Asked Cyrus, as they were talking I felt arms wrap around my waist I turned seeing my Emerald.

"Hold on... Jesse, Axel, don't you guys have your own Graduation Ceremonies?" I Asked "our schools are having their ceremonies on different days." Said Jesse

"Since that's the case, we thought we'd come watch your Graduation Ceremony." Said axel "that means I can come and watch you graduate, Jesse!" I said as I smiled

"Congratulations on your graduation" Said Fujiwara "Fujiwara! Are you alright now?" Asked Atticus "yeah... guys, I'm turkey sorry. I really troubled you all, didn't I? For the short time I was here. I did so many unforgivable things..." Said Fujiwara

"What are you saying? This is also your place. The place of a students growth... mistakes... and all of it will be accepted. Isn't that what Duel Academy is to us, a home?" Said Atticus

"Thank you, Atticus! Thank you, everyone!" Said Fujiwara "Hey... has anyone seen Jaden?" I Asked "is Jaden late again?" Asked Blair "man, that Jaden bastards gonna really be an irresponsible guy from the start till the end!" Said Chazz

I then saw Alexis go outside, Jesse and axel followed her "Jaden may have been the one to change the most these past few years." Said Jesse "people change eventually." Said axel

"That's What they call becoming an adult." Said axel "I wonder if Jaden left already." Said Jesse "he's the guy who hates sitting around, after all." Said axel

I was at the entrance looking up at the moon, tears coming down my face "luna..." said a voice "Jessica? What are you doing here?" I Asked

She smiled then pointed, I turned seeing Jesse in front of me "Jesse? What's going on here?" I Asked, he smiled "Luna... what I'm about to do now, is something I've been planning ever since we got back to our world." Said Jesse

"W...What is that Jesse...?" I asked, he then went down on one knee then pulled something out of his pockets.

"Luna heart... will you... marry me?" Asked Jesse, I didn't believe what was happening right now. Tears started coming down my face I smiled "Yes!" I Said as I jumped towards him.

I could hear everyone cheering, clapping they were happy for us "Jesse Anderson, you better treat my daughter right cause if you don't, you'll regret it!" Said father

"Don't worry sir, I'll love her with all my heart"

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