im finally me

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i woke up in ryans arms and i felt safe becasue he was like a second brother to me and it was cute how he always protected me .

ryan wake up i said poking him

five more minutes he said

no ryan we need to get up i said still poking him

why he said lifting his head up

well you need to record a cover today i said

well that ccan be done later he said

ry its like 1 in the afternoon

whats your point he said smiling

that is my point i said smiling back

well i aint getting up ryan said

fine then i will go hug andy instead then i said walking off

no dont leave me he said

you have to catch me first i said running into the living room and hiding behind andy

abby what the hell are you doing andy asked

well ryan wont get out of bed but he wants to hug me so i said i would hug you instead to get him out of bed i replied

well ok then andy said

then ryan came out the room and ran up to andy so i ran back in to my room and locked the door and i laughed

abby dont be annoying he said knocking on my door

well i need to get changed and then i will give you a hug ok i said

fine he said

so i got changed into my nash grier trousers, my matt espinosa top and my taylor caniff bandana then walked out and ryan ran up to me and gave me a hug

why hello ryan i said

hey he said back walking towards the kitchen

i need food i said

we have loads of junk food ollie said

i love it here already you have candy floss i said grabing three bags of candy floss then i got a phone call and all the boys shut up

convocation m= me tv= the vamps

m- hello

tv- hey abby this is connor from the vamps shawn gave us your number

m- oh hey connor you ok

tv- yea we were just wondering weather you wanted to come and do some recording with us today and tommorow

m- yea i would love to but can i bring some friends because they need advice 

tv- if long as they are not screaming girls who will mob us then yea bring them along the studio is big enough

m- ok then connor what studio you at

tv- we are at the.. wait i dont know let me just ask brad BRAD connor shouted YEA MATE  brad shouted back WHAT STUDIO WE AT connor shouted WE AT THE ONE BY WEMBLY STADIUM brad replied

we are at the one near wembly connor said

me- ok thanks we will be there in about ten minutes

tv- ok see you soon bye

m-bye and with that i hung up

well boys looks like you lot are meeting the vamps today i said

abby you are the best they all said hugging me

Will I ever be happy 5sos,magcon,Omaha,youtubers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now