revenge is sweet Xxx

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(a/n the boys would never inflict harm on anyone it is for story purposes i promise)

i got on the one direction bus and so did the girls and 1D

ok niall i am going to be a pain again can you boys share this bus with michael while me soph clover ash cal and luke stay on the other bus please i said giving them the puppy dog eyes.

ok ab fluff thats fine just get your stuff together and we will help you take it to the other bus louis said

omg thanks so much i will text you what happens becasue i have another plan up my sleeve i said getting my stuff together

oh damn zayn said

hell yea thats my girl harry said high fiving me and i just laughed

ok lets go i have my stuff together i said walking off the bus onto the other

michael get your stuff together i am staying on this bus and i dont want you on it

so he looked at me and got his stuff together and walked off the bus

abby come here he said so i went

you deserve this for the humiliation you caused me then he slapped me across the face and i screamed while i was trying to fight the tears and i just ran on the bus to find niall

NIALL i screamed

oh abby whats that red mark across your face he said hugging me

he...he slapped me niall right on my face i sobbed into his chest

abby i am so sorry i didnt protect you but we need to get on the road it is nine oclock and we need to go to gloster which is a three hour drive but i will walk you back o the bus so nothing happenes but i will text you ok he said

ok i love you i said to him

i love you too baby sis he said walking off the bus with me to the other one

hey its a one year difference k i said

ok im sorry but i will see you in the morning he said kissing my cheak

ok bye big bro i said smiling

and with that he smilied at me and walked off the bus

abby are you ok the girls said

no i said trying not to cry

whats that red mark on your face ashton said

i didnt answer him i just hugged him and cried

he didnt did he luke said  and i just nodded

what calum said im sorry i wasnt listening

michael hit abby luke said blankly

oh baby ashton said hugging me tigther

i just sat there in his arms sobbing into his chest

ok im done with this i am done with his shit i said still siting in ashtons lap

oh no do you have a plan sophie and clover

yea yea i do i said

tell us tell us tell us calum and luke said

oh my god well it will be like me and ashton will  be a couple to make him jealous its not that exciting

ok that sounds like a plan the girls said fist pumping me ( now that sound dirty wtf)

well thats if ashton goes along with it i said looking at him

yea i will go along with it he said.

ashtons p.o.v

yes yes yes i gt to kiss her without getting killed oh yea lets have a party

michaels p.o.v

oh my fucking god i hit her like i hit a girl no thats not right for fuck sake clifford get your mind straight you are never going to get her back now are you she is going to fall for ashton or harry great and they will rub it in my face well this could be fun

my p.o.v

luke and clover were sat in the main bit of the bus playing GTA

sophie and calum were asleep typical

and me and ashton were just sat there so we went to to the back of the bus and watched tv

abby ashton said

yea ashy i said turning to face him

i dont want to be a plan i want it to be real he said blushing

aww babe it can be real if you want it to be i said smiling at him

really he said shocked

yea i said still smiling

oh ok abby will you be my girl friend he said stuttering his words

yes i would love to be your girl friend i said hugging him

then i take it i can do this he said and smirked and then he kissed me and i kissed back becasue its ashton irwin who wouldnt

we pulled apart and we both smilied at each other

we shoud do that again sometime he said

yea we should i said and with that we sat in the back and went to sleep

clovers p.o.v

i am going to hurt michael i really am he hurt one of my best friends like ever and he is going to pay for it he wont know what hit him because it wont be my fist but it might be a brick

sophies p.o.v

i am honestly going to kill michael he hurt abby one of my best friends oh he is going to get payback and it will hurt him alot more than anyone else

my p.o.v

i was dreaming about how michael hit me but in my dream it was much worse i cant even explain

all i know is that in my dream i was kicking and hitting and screaming at the top of my lungs 

ashtons p.o.v

i woke up to abby kicking and screaming so i picked her up and she started kicking more so i just whispered in her ear song lyrics to one of her favourite songs which is close as strangers

i started to whisper the lyrics in her ear and she started to calm down but she also started to wake up so i just held her tighter

ashy she said

yea babe

i am so sorry i woke you up she said but it was so scary i didnt like it she said nearly crying

its ok but good thing i knew one of your favourite songs is close as strangers i said

aww you were singing it to me i didnt know i just heard it and i thought it was in my dream she said smiling

no it was me i said

well mr irwin you have a voice of an angel you should sing more she said and i blushed but good thing it was dark

awww thanks babe i said

sing to me she said

what song i said

the only reason she said

ok so i started to sing it

my p.o.v

thanks ashy i whispered to him

its no problem anything for my angel he said

so my arms snaked around his waist and his arms snakd around mine and thats how we fell asleep and i could stay like this forever

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