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My p.o.v

I woke up halfway through the flight because taylor was constantly moving around so I shifted and put my head on gilinskys shoulder and fell back to sleep.

Gilinskys p.o.v

I felt someone lean on my shoulder so I opened my eyes to see who it was and it was abby so I put the arm rest up and pulled her closer and she snuggled up in to my side and then I fell asleep.

(About to land)

My p.o.v

I woke up because taylor said we were about to land so I woke jack up so I had both of them because I hate landing so much it scares the living shit out of me

Taylor I hate landing I don't like it I said beginning to panic

Abby you will be fine ok me and jack are here your going to be fine I promise taylor said

Ok Tay I said smiling at him

Hold my hand if you need to he said holding out his hand for me to take

Thanks Tay I said putting my hand in his

Gilinsky you ok mate Taylor asked jack

Yea mate I'm good he replied

Ok then we are descending and we are about to land in LA nash said to all of us

Ok I said

Hold my hand to if you need to gilinsky said smiling at me

Thanx jack I said holding his hand


Well that was alright I suppose I said

Yea you did good well done taylor and jack said

Ok let's go get our bags and go back to the crib so abby can meet our special guest matt said

Oh god who could it be I have meet most of the people I love I said

Yea but not this person I don't think Carter said

Ok fine let's hurry up then I want to meet him or her lets go I said dragging taylor and jack g to get our bags

Once we all got our bags we all went to the car and I sat next to jack g and nash and it was a 3hour drive from the airport so I fell asleep on nash with my feet in gilinskys lap

Nashs p.o.v

I was on my phone then I felt a head land on my shoulder so I looked over to see abby and I put my arm around her and she snuggled up against me and i fell asleep

Carter s p.o.v

Nash and abby were asleep snuggled up so we took some pictures and put them on Twitter and Instagram then we had to wake both of then up cuz we stopped at McDonald's to get food cuz we were all hungry

Abby wake up matt said poking her I didn't work

Abby get the fuck up taylor said sassily still nothing

Nash was up now so that's one out of the two half way there

Guys leave her here I will stay with her just get us both Big Mac meals a chocolate milkshake ok nash said

Ok see you both in ten I replied and walked with the other boys to McDonalds.

Abby's p.o.v

I felt them shaking me and prodding me but I didn't wanna get up so I just stayed still hoping one of them would stay with me which was nash and I love him he's like the younger brother I never had really but I would date him I'm not going to lie.

I lifted my head off nashs shoulder and looked at him and he just smiled at me and I smiled back at him

So how did u sleep nash asked

Good thanx did you know your shoulder is really comfy I replied

Nope never been told that so that's a first he replied laughing
And I just laughed along with him

(When the boys got back with food)

I wanna sit next to jj and aaron I said

Rude Nash and jack g said

I wasn't gunna marry you anyway I said trying not to laugh

Wow they all said laughing

I'm sorry. I said laughing

Ok then you can sit next to us then abby jj said

Thanx babes I replied getting out the car and back in the other side sitting between jj and aaron

And aaron was smiling as I sat next to him

Awww does aaron have a crush on me I said and he went red

That's a yes then matt said

Yep now how long till we get to the house I asked

Hour cam said cuz he was driving

Kk camy I replied putting my head on aarrons shoulder and he put his arm around me damn these boys are cuddly

(Once we got to the house)

Ok abby come in the surprise is in the kitchen taylor said smiling so I walked to the kitchen to see sammy wilkinson stood there smiling at me and I turned to the other boys and smiled and as I was turned sammy came up behind me and hugged me tightly and I have never met this boy before but he makes me feel safe

Abby u gunna talk shawn said

I just shook my head and lead in sammys chest

Aww does abby have a little crush Carter said

Yea I said quietly

Cool matt Taylor and hayes said walking off

What's up with them sammy asked

They are jealous cuz they all like abby Carter said

Yea cam said

They need to man up the girl can like who she wants to sammy said

Thank you I replied

So what do you guys wanna do nash asked

Park I said

Yes they all agreed

I will go get the arsey three I said going into the room next door

Guys we are going to the park do you wanna come I asked

I heard a no and a just leave and a fuck off so I left

What did they say cam asked

Oh they told me to fuck off I said hugging sammy

Let me go talk to them nash said

Ok cam stay with him call me if anything happens but I need to go out for a bit meet us there later ok I said

Yea that's fine cam said

Love you cam cam I said

Love u too babes he replied as we all walked out the door

So lead the way cuz I don't know where the hell we are going I said

Fine me and jj will lead the way jack g said

Kk guys I said

Carter jack g said

Yea he replied

I want a piggy back jack said

Fine gilinsky get on my back Carter said

Thanx Carter love yous jack said

Ok babes he replied

Sammy I said

Do you wanna piggy back too he said

Yea I replied

Go on then he said

Yay I said jumping on his back and he carried me the rest of the way to the park

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