Verses for today and tomorrow:

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Nahum 2:9-10 and 13

"Take spoil of silver! Take spoil of gold! There is no end of treasure, or wealth of every desirable prize."

"She is empty, desolate, and waste! The heart melts, and the knees shake; much pain is in every side, and all their faces are drained of color."

"'Behold, I am against you,' says the Lord of hosts. 'I will burn your chariots in smoke, and the sword shall devour your young lions; I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the voice of your messengers shall be heard no more.'"

(This is what happens when the wrath of God is turned against someone. This is the destruction of Nineveh.)

Verses of the day, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now