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"This is all your fault

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"This is all your fault. You didn't have to do it. You didn't have to do it," she cried, beating her fist against the grass, the impact hurting her hands. "You didn't have to do it." She repeated again, sobs racking her body. "No one asked you to be the hero. I never needed your help. I was fine..How could you do that." She demanded angrily. "How could you leave me all alone in this messed up world..you didn't have to do it." She sniffled, her inner misery blinding her to the footsteps that followed after her rant.

"Anna, what are you doing here?" That familiar timber voice asked from behind her. Anna didn't have to turn around to know who it was, she knew who it was, it was Jack's older brother, her boyfriend's older brother.

William sighed tiredly. "You shouldn't be here, Anna. You know Jack wouldn't have liked to see you out here crying over his grave."

She wiped the tears from her face. "You're right." She choked out.

William nodded. "I know." He said, walking closer to her, reaching out a hand for her to take. "Now let's go before it starts raining." Anna placed her hand in his, allowing him to pull her up.

He threw an arm around her shoulder, holding her against him as they walked.

"How do you always know where to find me." Anna sniffled softly. She felt William breathe evenly as they walked.

"Because Jack knew you. He knew how much you loved him."

Anna didn't look up as she spoke her next few words, her lips trembling. "He made you promise, didn't he?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

He smiled sadly. "Yeah, he made me promise to watch over you. You were the one thing in this world that made his life worth living." He replied. "You were special to him, and you'll always hold a part of him." He said, watching as her hand moved to her chest, over her heart..the new heart that was now keeping her alive. The heart of the man who loved her so much that he had given up his own in exchange for her life.

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