I'm Fine, I Promise Part 2

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The last thing he heard was the sound of a door kicking down.

Sorry for any mistakes.


No Ones POV

The Hargreeves siblings rushed upstairs, they knew Klaus was hurting but they didn't know that it hurt this much.

They ran down the hall and made it Klaus' door they knocked and tried to go inside but the door was locked, they were yelling and screaming for him to open the door.

Luther pushed them all out of the way and kicked the door down.

They looked around the room and finally saw Klaus up against the wall with blood coming from both his arms. Underneath him on one side was a pool of blood.

Allison and Vanya gasped and tears started falling down their cheeks, Luther and Diego ran up to Klaus seeing if he was alive or awake, and Five? Well Five stood there wondering if this was just a dream.

Diego touched Klaus' neck looking for a pulse, and he found one "He's Alive! Someone go get mom!" he shouted to his other siblings.

Luther ran out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen, where he knew mom was preparing dinner for them. He regretted everything, calling his brother a druggie, because he didn't know what Klaus had gone through.

Luther found made it to the kitchen, tears pricking his eyes, and saw his mother "MOM!" he screamed.

Grace turned around with a slight frown on her face after seeing a tear roll down his face "What's wrong dear?"

"I-its Klaus"

"What's wrong with him?"

"H-he tried to kill himself" Luther cried out.

Grace looked at him in shock for a moment then grabbed her first aid kit from under the kitchen sink and followed Luther up to Klaus' room.

When she got there she was met with Diego applying pressure with a towel over Klaus' wrist while Allison did the same to his other wrist. Vanya over by Five hugging with tears falling down Five's face.

She ran over to Klaus and bent down. She grabbed the wrist that looked more severe and had more blood, which was the side Diego was on and removed Diego's hands and the towel when she was certain that he wouldn't bleed out more when it was removed.

Klaus' POV

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a little girl staring at me. I groaned, it was God.

"Why did you do that?" she asked him

"I-it's all too much" he replied "I-i need to see Dave, do you know where he is?"

No Ones POV

God looked down and sighed, she pointed over to a nice looking house. He looked up at her grateful. A small 'thanks' came out of his mouth as he ran over to the house.

He made it to the door of the house, unsure of what he would find, but opened the door nonetheless.

Inside he found Dave after wandering around a bit, he was out back standing on the deck and staring at a lake.

"D-dave?" he whispered, tears at his eyes

Dave turned around and saw Klaus, he smiled fondly "Hello Love" he said and gestured for Klaus to come closer.

Klaus did so, and grabbed Dave's hand that reached out for him.

"I missed you, s-so much" Klaus whispered with a tear running down his cheek.

"I know love" Dave said back "Why did you do it love?" he said looking straight into Klaus' eyes.

Klaus looked down, "I needed to see you b-but you weren't coming" he whispered, more tears running down his face.

Dave picked up Klaus head, making Klaus look straight at him, and wiped his tears with his thumb, "It's ok Klaus, i'm here now, but you need to promise me you won't do this again" he said.

Klaus sniffled and look down "I promise"

"Good" Dave smiled "Follow me"

Dave led Klaus inside and made it to a bedroom. "Stay here" Dave said and walked up to a nightstand. He grabbed something and went back to Klaus.

He grabbed Klaus' wrist and put a charm bracelet on it.

Klaus looked at it. It had a picture of him and Dave and some other charms.

Klaus jumped into Dave's arms "I love you, I love you so much Dave" he cried

"I love you too, but so does you family, so you have to go back" Dave said to him.

Klaus nodded, his siblings needed him.

The world went black for Klaus and suddenly he was opening his eyes. He was in a hospital looking room but not really.

He groaned and suddenly heard the scraping of a chair against the floor "Klaus?" he heard someone say, it kind of sounded like Diego.

Klaus smiled lightly "that's me" he heard some laughs around the room and fully opened his eyes.

There were all of his siblings, including Ben who stood up against the wall.

He looked down at his wrists and of course his charm bracelet on one and smiled but then saw bandages on both of his arms and frowned, his siblings noticed this.

"Why Klaus, why did you do that?" Vanya asked

"I-i uh it doesn't matter" he replied

"Doesn't matter? Doesn't matter? IT MATTERS KLAUS, YOU ALMOST DIED WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" Luther screamed

Klaus flinched, tears threatening to fall "I-i'm sorry" he said looking down while his siblings, except for Five, yelled at Luther.

Five came up to him and looked up at him. They stared at each other for a good minute before Five hugged Klaus, very tightly.

"Don't do that ever again you hear me?" Five said threateningly.

"Yeah I won't I promise" Klaus replied

His siblings finally stopped fighting with Luther and turned to see Klaus and Five hugging and they joined in on the hug. Ben smiled in the background, even though his other siblings couldn't see him. He was happy for Klaus.

And Klaus? Klaus knew that he was never truly alone, and promised himself he would get better for Dave, and his family.

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