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5 months later

"Boss, the cargo's waiting for us already. We should go now." Lucas fixed the tie of his suit. Glancing at their leader, he sighed and pat his back.

"You shouldn't blame yourself. She was the one who decided to- you know it's for the best before it got too deep." Taeyong slowly nodded his head and stood up. He straightened the creases on his suit and went out of his room with Lucas.

"Everyone's ready." Taeil announced, Unit U have a mission today.

"Are Jaehyun and Doyoung up for it?" Taeyong asked.

Taeil nodded, "They look like it so I assumed they're up for it."

Everyone tapped their in-ears before going out. "Let's go, we wouldn't want to be late."

===[ ]===

Doyoung laid a white rose on the grave. "I'm sure you're happy that you've finally reunited with your brother. You- Why did you leave so suddenly and made a mess out of someone's head? I- I'm sorry I couldn't help you that day. I'm sorry for blaming it all on you, for what happened to Jaehyun and Taeyong, Jungwoo and even Chenle and Jisung. The house was totally destroyed and when we moved to a new one, it was colder than before you came. Lucas seems fine, I'm glad he wasn't there the day you di-. Anyway, that's how Lucas always looks like, a happy-go-lucky guy. Changmin caught the five of them, Jaehyun testified as an anonymous witness and Changmin protected his name. The case was closed. Don't worry now, time will heal all the scars. So, enjoy wherever it is you are right now with your brother."

Doyoung slowly walked away from her. He hurriedly went inside the car and started to drive back home. Multiple sighs are the only sounds heard as he drove. Jisung opened the garage for Doyoung. Doyoung was about to put back the keys inside the drawers when Lucas came down.

"Another mission?" Doyoung asked, Lucas grinned at him and took the keys from him.

Doyoung was confused, these days he was too happy when he always has a mission. He shrugged it off. Well, everyone has their own ways of coping for someone's death.

"Where to? China again?" Lucas nodded at his second question. Scratching his head, Doyoung waved goodbye to him and proceeded to the new cyber room.

===[ ]===

Shanghai, China

"Rina! Wake up! You're going to be late for your classes!" Rina pushed the younger boy away from her and continued to sleep.

"Rina, if you don't get up and be ready in 10 minutes then I'll leave you. You wouldn't like to commute right?" Rina pulled the covers away from her body and ran to her bathroom.

"Fuck... Hendery! You better wait for me or I'll cut your cactus into little pieces!" Rina started to wash up and after 5 minutes she was ready to go. She went downstairs and picked up an apple only to drop it again. It rolled away from her when someone picked it up. She looked up and smiled at the sudden visitor.

"Lucas! I thought you said you'd visit next month!" Lucas hugged Rina tightly before letting her go again.

"Taeyong allowed me since Changmin already caught the drug boss, our rival and I just wanted you to know that everyone seemed to be doing fine. You shouldn't worry about him anymore. Also Hendery left already, with his cactus too, so Kun and I will go and drive you to the university." The three chatted what they've been doing for the past few months before they arrived at Rina's university. They waved each other goodbyes and she went inside the campus and began to search for Hendery.

She looked at the retreating figure of the car and sighed. She really lived up to her underground name, the Glitch. To some of the members of NCT, she was a glitch in their system. After making a mess, she left and let them clean up after her own mess. She was sorry, she'll always be. But she didn't want to live her life in isolation. That's why she is here in China, to start a new life where no one would be able to recognize her.

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