Black Hole

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This story is a bit dark.
It contains sensitive content so be aware.
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Lips moving in harmony together, the sound of skin on skin, bodies drowned in pleasure, heavy pantings between rare breaks of kisses, heat warming their bodies, shielding them from the cold breeze escaping the cracks of the cheap windows of the motel. He pulled out after releasing in the boy under him, planting soft pecks on his sweaty hair, whispering sweet words in his ears as he pulled the boy in his arms. “You were amazing Jimin.” Taehyung murmured.

There was something about the small cute boy in his arms that would send his mind into a fog, making him deny the reality, clutching to the moment, ignoring the shadow starring deep at his soul.
Was it the face? His natural tan but not pale melanin skin, His Dark eyes, devoid of all feelings when off-stage. It is known thag green eyes held the beauty of nature, Blue eyes held the weight of oceans, but his, is as mesmerizing as a black hole. Dark but captivating, you make a gratifying mistake of meeting his gaze and you get pulled in it, forever lost in the beauty and enthralment of darkness and the long eyelashes perfectly curled to make any girl jealous. Or his perfectly natural chubby cheeks with a tinge of rosiness, squishy and soft like a Japanese mochi, itching the tip of fingers to crush them; or the lips, the pink plump lips matching perfectly with his as if God himself has shaped them to be so identical.


Taehyung’s POV

I do remember the very first time my eyes met Him. Did I know what I got myself into? I don’t remember anymore. I may did, I may not. Does it really matter now?

I ran to the address my Dad had given me, didn’t want to be late on the first day, I was welcomed by the sound of music as I opened the door. It was a simple mirror room but the boy dancing elegantly in the middle made it glamorous, I stood there, mouth hung opened as I watched how the small boy moved his body so fascinating to the music as if he had no joints or was made from water.

The boy suddenly stopped, turned on his heel, his dark eyes fixed on me deprived from any emotion. He walked to me, his steps were smooth and facile as if he was skiing on ice. His sweaty pink messy but still styled hair looked perfectly elegant, his white v-neck shirt hanging lose on his white shoulder, tucked in tight black skinny jeans made me lick my lips unintentionally. And his face… it wasn’t carved by God, he was God himself. I glanced at my own reflection in the mirror, black hair stuck to my forehead, uselessly big eyes with mole under it to ruin the scene and I looked like an absolute shit with my oversized hoodie and cheap baggy pants. God … I mean the boy … was slightly shorter than me, If I hugged him, I could feel his breath on my throat, but I still felt so so much smaller.

I gulped to gather enough courage to answer his gaze.


deep dark orbs burning through me, he cocked his head to the side, as if he was reading my soul. It was awkward, I didn’t know how long I could control my body before I surrender myself to panic and embarrass myself. I prayed to God for the boy to start saying something, anything to ease the tension.

“Park Jimin.” He introduced himself gently, tone so sweet and euphonious as if he was signing a ballad. He straightened his hand, still wearing the same intimidating expression.

Jesus Christ. Is he really the God? He heard my prayer? He raised a brow, his hand patiently waiting for mine. I fucked up. He probably thinks I’m a weirdo. I wiped my sweaty palm on my shirt and shook his waiting hand. My big hand perfectly swallowed his small one. I could probably hold both of his hands with only one. Even his hands were so soft and adorable, so elegant that anyone would want to sell her soul just to have a hand like that.

“Kim Taehyung.” I exclaimed, my deep growling voice was so raw and embarrassing compared to his melodic one.

And then everything changed, I was thrown in a different universe, probably different timeline, I heard an angelic voice, was the giggle coming out of his mouth? Holy bible. His face changed. Lips slightly parted, showing his perfectly white teeth, the front one was a little crooked, cutely crooked, how come even his flaws are beautiful. And his eyes, those big black eyes disappeared, curled into a crescent, displaying the most beautiful eye smile I’ve ever seen in my life.
The intimidation was now replaced with cuteness. They boy was adorable. How come God turned into a definition of uwu?

“It’s good to have a friend after a long time.” His voice changed. It was still alluring but brighter. “I hope you stay for a very long time.” He said as he dragged me to the other side of the room. Forcing me to sit next to him, placing a red gummy bear in my hand while he chewed on another one.

What happened to the God I met seconds ago? Don’t be mistaken. He still looks like a God, but a cute one. I hesitantly bite the head of my jelly bear and eyed him from the side of my eyes. Now that his shirt was stuck to his stomach I could easily notice the sharp abs gracefully blessing my eyes. Holy shit. God Aka the adorable squishy mochi has a fucking six-pack. He is gonna be my death.

“How old are you?” He asked, probably trying to find the lines.

“18. What about you?” I mumbled. Secretly wishing him to be younger.

“I’m 18 too.” He ruffled my already messy hair. “We can be friends. 95 line.” And then he showed it again. That damned awe-inspiring smile which turns his eyes into a crescent much prettier than moon himself but this time he did not show his teeth but clinched his lips shut, making his cheeks even Chubbier. I shifted my gaze to my knees as I felt blush started grazing my face. I couldn’t embarrass myself more even if I tried. Perfect.

“So what do you think?”

“a-about what?” I stuttered. What the fuck?

“Being my friend?” he said as if it was so obvious. Tone showing a slight disappointment.

Friend? Did I want to be his friend? I want to be close to him, I was already addicted to the ring of his giggle, his duality, shifting between being a God and a mochi, his dark orbs which imprisoned mine the moment I layed my eyes on them. It was our first meeting but I knew I wanted him to be more than just a friend.

“Friend it is.” I smiled at him, skillfully locked my hands with his smaller ones. He gave me another jelly bear with his free hand instead of resisting the sudden intimacy. Maybe God too could form a soft spot for me.

 Maybe God too could form a soft spot for me

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