A little too much

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Sorry for the late update.
So this is a filler chapter.
I think only two more are left 🤔 Three at most.

BTW I miss BTS and I need a comeback ❤


Taehyung didn’t know which one hurt the most… His throat, his burnt skin or his heart. He was in pain, everything hurt. Silent tears leaking from his eyes as Jimin climbed down the bed and tucked his member in, still flushed from his orgasm. He was still beautiful, too beautiful and ethereal for Taehyung’s liking.

“Baby don’t cry, now.” Jimin hushed, soft delicate fingers reaching to wipe the tears away from Taehyung’s face. “Am I not what you always wanted?” It made the boy cry even harder.

“I told you I’m sorry.” Taehyung slightly turned his face away no matter how he wanted to lean into the touch, his whole body still craving the man who had just hurt him. “You knew how much I hated this… why?” Jimin knew… Fuck he knew and still did it.

Jimin straightened his back, ignoring the question. He wasn’t obliged to answer. He was a god and a god could do as pleased, no explanation needed.
“Please, Jimin.” Taehyung begged, pleading with his large eyes. “Let me go. I’ve learnt my lesson.”



“Taehyung, I can’t.” Jimin gave him a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. It was intimidating and Taehyung felt the urge to cower under his gaze. But fuck… he was beautiful. “I don’t leave survivors. I don’t let people who have a reason for revenge live.”

“I-I don’t understand.”

“I killed your father, Taeyhyung. And you would have learnt the truth eventually. I don’t wait for people to come after me.” Taehyung stared at him in shock, looking for any traces of lie in those eyes that looked so serious, genuine. “I can’t lay by your side wondering: Does he know? Is he gonna attack me in sleep? Why is he looking at me this way? ... No babe, I don’t take risks.”

Something was wrong… Something was definitely wrong. He had to be angry, he had to scream at him for taking his only parent away, He had to demand answers but all he felt was nothing. Numbness overwhelming his mind.

He knew… He knew from the beginning who Jimin was… That his father knew too. Maybe a part of him knew it would end this way, Jimin hammering the nails to their coffins and he still let his guards down, let love consume him because he was beautiful… graceful and delicate, fun to be around. In one word… ethereal.

He knew yet he fall in love.

“You know I would never hurt you, Jimin.” 

Jimin narrowed his eyes, studying the boys. He had just told him he was the murderer yet he was ignoring it. The boy was totally insane.

“And I thought you were some innocent idol who loved me a little too much.” Jimin retorted. Yes maybe that was it… that was the problem: A little too much. Obsession. It was sick.

“It doesn’t have to end like this.” Taehyung tried.

“I’m sorry.” 


Jungkook was sprawled over the large couch, a joint hanging loosely between his lips as he was watching Jimin who was buried in too many paper works. Jimin looked stressed, mind a little out of it, nothing like the man Jungkook remembered. Something was off. Jimin had slipped, he knew.

“Why is Taehyung still alive?” Jungkook asked, straight to the point. One thing he had learnt from Jimin was to never beat around the bushes. 

Jimin raised his eyes to look at the man who was looking back at him with his smug grin. “He is a public figure, I can’t just pull the trigger and expect no consequences.” He explained as he locked his fingers together and placed them on the desk.

“You didn’t fear consequences when you murdered the chief police.” Jungkook shrugged his shoulder, raising a brow.

“His father, you mean.” Jimin took a deep breath. Intentions were hidden behind Jungkook’s words. “Two murders in a span of a week. Not a wise move.”
“His father has died, he is depressed. A good suicide reason.” Jungkook held the joint between his fingers and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Beautiful dramatic story. Journalists would kiss your feet for that.”

“It’s not that easy.

“Or maybe you just don’t want to kill him.”

“Shut your mouth, Jungkook.” Jimin snapped, slamming his palm on the desk.

Jungkook scoffed in disbelief. How dare he. “Then what about me?”

“What about you?”

“Did you ever love me?”

Jimin studied the man. He looked nothing like the boy he once saved from that house, small and scared, crying. Thinking back, “saved” wasn’t a proper word. He didn’t need saving, just a few more months and eventually he would have done what he did.

He saw a boy more psychotic than he ever was and let him in. He knew what kinds of person he’d turn into and he let him. Now the very same boy had grown up and he was asking for love.

“Am I just a fucktoy to you?” Jungkook continued after a minute of silence, stare turning into a dark glare. “Your killing machine? What do I lack for you to fall in love with that slut?”

“I don’t love him, alright? I’ll kill him when the right time comes.” Jimin tried to calm him down. What was Jungkook to him? Yes, He cared about the boy but love? No. And he knew Jungkook was not capable of hearing that answer. And to be honest he never never thought that Jungkook wanted more from him otherwise he wouldn’t have let it reach to this point, giving him wrong ideas.

“Fuck you.” Jungkook spat, leaving the room with angry steps.

Thanks for reading ^^


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