Devil in disguise

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Jimin just starred at the furious man who was shaking his fists around in anger, shouting, blabbering, threatening. The white of his eyes were red in fury and Jimin was actually kinda worried about the popped up veins on his neck and forehead. Chief Kim was a daring man, plucky, courageous. Those three were necessary for any man in uniform. And Jimin knew those three landed him his current position. Unlike other officials who had done it with the help of connections and Jimin respected that. The world needed more people like him but not in his territory. Those three were considered stupidity in the presence of a man like Jimin. And Jimin wondered if Chief Kim was suicidal or just stupid.

First mistake was to call Jimin to his office. Jimin wasn't a man to be summoned. If you need him, you go to him and he is the one to decide if you deserve to see him. Jimin complied silently when Kim threatened him with police forces and Jimin was not really in mood for cleaning a mess, plus he had to get ready for the night's event. They had to perform in a very important festival. Why create a fuss when he could finish the job a lot cleaner by just a little patience?

Second mistake was to give Jimin the name he was desperately looking for. Not knowing he had just condemned his own family.

"You said you'll make my son an idol not a fucking murderer." Chief Kim hissed through his gritted teeth.

To say that the information did not shock Jimin was an underestimate. Eyes turned wide, head came a little foreward. He showed a moment of emotions, vulnerability. "What do you mean?"

"His fingerprints were all around your fucking scene."

Jimin was bewildered. Taehyung with his innocent eyes, pure boxy smile and cute childish whines were the cause of his headaches? The boy he laughed at for blindly falling in love with his façade? The one whom the whole fandom uwued over his angel-like appearance and personality? The one who stole hearts with his simplicity?

Jimin tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing as he observed the man in front of him. He was out of control. Jimin had ruined his pure innocent son, well not really, Jimin had never asked Taehyung to dirty his hands, but he couldn't change Kim's mindset. And the last thing Jimin needed was an enraged stupid police chief up in his ass. Kim did not notice Jimin's hand touching the bulge in his waistband, the only thing that made him shut his mouth and watch Jimin who was standing too close to him was the pressure of a metal barrel in the space between his eyes. He gulped, hands shaking, this time in fear of an inevitable future. "Y-you're in the middle of a police station."

"And why should I care? All those dogs out there belong me." He raised a brow, a dangerous smirk plastering his face. "You should have remain one of those."

The sound of bullet leaving the barrel, the petrified cry of the Chief, the loud collide of body with cold tiles were loud enough to be heard by the whole station yet the door didn't open, no one came running in. Jimin grimaced in disgust, blood on his face was not something he had predicted. He should have aimed from further, where he could keep his precious face and too expensive Gucci suit, which was a gift from Taehyung, clean. He put the gun back in his waistband. He could just use the back door, far from the eagle eyes of cameras and he knew he did not have to worry about surveillance. Seokjin could always take care of them. The moment he stepped outside the office he heard a few gasp, the officers were trying to steal their eyes from him, to disguise themselves as a part of their black chairs or the white pillars. He chuckled. It was cute. The terror in their eyes. Some were even shaking. "Take care of the mess and don't report it before midnight." He announced, tone cold, demanding, leaving no place for argument. "Taehyung has an event to attend."


Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin and pressed their lips together, Jimin giggled in his mouth, deepening the kiss, parting his lips to give Taehyung an entrance. It was funny, how oblivious Taehyung was. He performed on stage, showing off his charm. Giggling, showing off his famous boxy smile and his goofy behavior for some songs and his charismatic, confident acts and piercing gaze for the rest. And now Jimin could tell the second one was not just an act. He was truly insane. This Taehyung in his arms was just a façade.

He broke the kiss. Panting. "Tae? Baby?"


"We need to leave."

"What about the after-party?" Taehyung asked, still smiling. Jimin paused, licking his lips, thinking. Taehyung had changed. He wasn't stuttering in his presence anymore. He would ask questions instead of blindly following his lead. To other people, it was something normal in relationships but Jimin knew it was deeper, darker and all Taehyung needed was just a trigger.

"There is some place you should be."


"It's about your father."


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Thanks for reading ❤

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