Is it okay to push a glass shelf over someone and make it appear like an accident? Or would that be less?
Because I just want to spring out of my seat and smack Ken so hard on his head that he sees stars and all the possible visible constellations a person can plainly have a view of.
Who wouldn't? Well, technically throwing a glass shelf over him would be doing nothing, a normal person would literally smother his face in sriracha sauce and sprinkle black pepper over it.
No, I am not usually this barbaric, better yet I stay far away from violence unless someone messes up with me to a point where I am not able to tolerate and keep a tame palm over the monster inside me.
And what basically are you to do to rattle the sleeping monster. Nothing much, just be Ken and irritate the heck out of me. For starters, put tacky gum under my heels and make me walk all across the floor in attempts of scraping it off.
Not enough? well, then announce to the whole cafeteria that I accidently swallowed a fly and see their disgusted faces and lame remedies. When it does not get satisfactory for you, grasp the burger I was meant to eat as lunch, without me even having a bite of it and eat it whole even when I so clearly have exclaimed that I was hungry and hadn't had breakfast.
When I walk away pissed off and return back to working on an empty stomach, come show up at the desk and sneak away the nutella jar I've kept in my secret stash, the only thing I thought would keep me going throughout the day.
Finally stand farther away from me under the glass file shelves in the corner of the department all the while sticking fingers in my sacred nutella jar and licking them along side making nauseating noises. That's all what Ken basically did and is continuing to do and to say I am seething would be a huge understatement.
The reason you ask? well nothing so deep and requiring to go this extra, just that Ken has made my life impossible ever since I told him -after his incessant probing, that is- what I had talked with Gabriel about and what discussion were we having when we interacted in the hallway.
Initially, I was shocked of how Ken knew about it, because one thing that I was sure of was that Gabriel is a secretive kind of a person, he wouldn't go forward telling everyone that we had crossed paths and made a decision to act like strangers with each other, not even to his friends or in his case, friend, namely Ken.
So, after inquisition I was told by Ken that the spectators who were around observing that scene at the time had spread it in the entire building. Not only did they make a fuss about it, they over exaggerated things and told everyone that we were fighting and Gabriel was most likely abusing and harassing me.
A few even came and spoke words of sympathy considering that I'd been abused and been raised hand at. At that, my heart ached. I know I'm not in good terms with Gabriel White but never once did he do anything to physically hurt me. Yeah sure, he does say words that might hole a person from inside and is very rude and arrogant at times too, but something that I am too sure of is, is that he wouldn't hurt me.
Heck, he doesn't seem the type to physically harm any girl but then I could always be too quick to conclude but my gut feeling has always told me he wasn't capable of doing something like that and I don't even want to question it anyway.
And it literally broke my heart when people came around saying that he is infamous to be this degrogatory and hurting people and bruising them to be contended. Even when we haven't been in forever good association, I couldn't take it when someone, be it anyone spoke garbage about him. I just wanted to empty boiling water on their scalps even though all they wanted to do was to help me. There was a strange emotion that bubbled inside of me when there were offensive words used for Gabriel's sake.
Romance1st place Romance: Constellation awards. 1st place Romance: The award Contest 2019 Reviewed by: Majestic Awards She has ruptured the wall he's built around his heart. She stepped in and deformed his cold aura. He restricted his disarming self but l...