Time Stopping Time

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Lisa was standing there. Waiting for me to say goodbye to Ydris. "Well... I think they need me... Hehe..." I said, as things were getting awkward now. "See you soon, beautiful!" Ydris smiled. I mounted [H/N] and rode away with Lisa.

/ Y d r i s ' p. o. w. /

When they were out of my sight, I felt sad. Of course I did! My dove just flew away! Then I rememberd what we forgot about with Xin. I teleported myself to my precious circus, then went to look for Xin. "Xin! Where are you?" I shouted, but no response. "Zee, did you see him?" I said, turning to her. She shook her head. "Great, just great." I took my way to the house Xin was searching at about 2 weeks ago. As I arrived, I saw the jester there. "Xin! There you are! Did you find it?" Xin turned around and nodded. "Nice! Let's go back then!" I said, and started walking towards the circus.

"So... Xin, this is a time stopping clock. I made it several... years ago...? That's what they call it on Earth, right? Nevermind..." Xin got confused. "So, it's like a time stopping time?" "Yes! Although you're a clown, you are very smart indeed!" I said, but Xin just ignored it. "You'll use this to stop the Driuds, and the Soul Riders?" He turned his head towards me. "Yes. Those stupid Soul Riders are like Garnok in Pandoria... Just awful!" I kicked some rocks away, but they proceeded to fly off of Nilmers Highland. "Awful? Your... 'dove' is one of them!" Xin gets confused. "Of course not her! She's sweet, beautiful, smart and strong... But the others... A catastrophe!" I said, as I sat down on the ground. "Ydris... How come no-one found this clock?" Xin asked. "Well, as I said, made it. You would ask 'why?' since I can stop time. This little machine, Can stop time all around the world! Even in Pandoria, where it doesn't exist! And to your previous question, I secured it with strong Pandorian energy. So if even a pandorian would find it, and bring it with them, it would appear here again in no time. And, before you say anything Xin, no, they can't break the 'magic' I kept this clock safe with." Xin still looked confused. This amount of information was a little bit hard for him to produce.

/ y o u r p. o. w. /

"What happened?" I asked with a serious look, focusing on the road. I could feel Lisa's eyes on me. "Fripp--" When I heard that name, I froze, and stopped [H/N]. "What happened to him?!" I asked, with a worried look on my face. "He... He can stand up!" Lisa smiled. Happiness spread all over me, and tears began to form in my eyes. Then I remembered. We didn't tell Fripp what happened with Elizabeth. In that condition, we didn't want him to have a heart attack too. "Lisa... When will we tell him that... E-elizabeth..." This time, the tears began to fall. But not because of happiness. I remembered how it happened. Every step, every movement, every second. I soon started to sob. "[Y/N] dear! Please don't cry!" [H/N] finally spoke out after some time. Yes, even he/she didn't want to talk to anybody, when he/she heard about what happened to Elizabeth.

As we finally arrived to Fripp, I kneeled down in front of him, and started sobbing harder. "I'm so sorry Fripp! It was because of me!" I closed my eyes as I sobbed. Soon, I felt two little paws around my neck. I looked up, and saw Fripp hugging me, or at least trying. Oh man, he's so small. He let go of me, then carefully signed to Avalon, to help him up to the bed. He layed back down, and just smiled at me.

Once I stopped crying, Lisa came to me. "[Y/N] what you said earlier... It's not your fault! I--" "It is Lisa! And I don't know how to fix it!" I said. I really didn't trust myself.

I started to have my self-esteem lower, when I first visited Pandoria. Since then, it just got worse. I even started to believe I wasn't enough, I wasn't meant to be in all of this. Pushing the girls away from me. But they won't let me do that. They exactly knew what was happening, and what still is.

"Let's get some fresh air, shall we?" Linda said, going outside with Alex and Anne by her side. I was about to leave, when I heard Fripp ask. "Where is Elizabeth?"

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