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I froze. Fear overcame me. What'll Fripp do when he finds out? "Fripp, when everyone goes out, I will tell you." Avalon sighed. After I got out of the stone circle, wind hit me. [Y/H] seemed least concerned than he/she was hours ago. "[Y/N] don't you dare think it was your fault! If you do that one more time, I'll drop you!" He/she said, warning me. "Ok boy/girl... Calm down..."

Me and [H/N] started galloping to Epona. Me and the girls seperated at Wolf Hall Inn. We arrived in Mirror Marshes. This was one of [H/N]'s favourite places. We trotted to the 'end' of it, and I saw a portal. A portal to Pandoria. I was scared to go in. Does Pandoria still looks like it used to? What if it lookes the same when you and Alex were there? I was too curious. I pulled on [H/N]'s reins, and he/she walked inside the portal.

I closed my eyes, scared of what I will see. [H/N] didn't seem to like doing nothing, so he/she started trotting forward. I immediately opened my eyes, and saw Pandoria. It looked normal. I mean... pandorian normal. It still was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Then, curiosity hit me. Where do pandorians live inside Pandoria? I see no houses, not even like a little tent. [H/N] continued trotting forward.

After a while of just running around, [H/N] got tired. I dismounted him/her, and got out my phone to chech the time. At first, I was panicking, because it didn't turn on. "[Y/N]... Do I really have to remind you?" [H/N] asked with a slightly annoyed tone. "What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow, not knowing what he/she was referring to. "Time, [Y/N]. Time." "What? I don't get it-- Oh! Yeah..." [H/N] just shook his/her head. "Come on, girls! We don't want to lose anybody!" Some other people, and their horses were in Pandoria too. I couldn't recognise the voice. "No need to rush..." This was definitely Linda! I mounted [H/N] again, and 'ran for my life'. We galloped to a well hidden place. "They'll find me, they'll find me..." I said. [H/N] looked like he/she didn't even give a duck. This horse! "Listen [Y/N]... We hid ourselves very well. Why are you like this?" He/she snorted. "Because, I don't want to get caught!" [H/N] turned away from me. This horse really didn't care!

Soon, we heard them again. I tried to mount [H/N], but he/she didn't let me to. It almost felt like he/she betrayed me. I tried to get on him/her again, but in the end, I just got pushed away. I even tried to calm [H/N] down, but he/she didn't even let me touch her. With pain in my heart, I decided I'll go alone. I left him/her there, and started to wander around. I was looking at the view, when a shadow seeker almost pushed me down. Luckily, I was able to hold my balance. "What are you doing here, [Y/N]?" Alex asked. Well, I'm dead. "I just came here out of curiosity. Wanted to see if Pandoria is the same." They weren't mad. Why? "Okay! But where is [H/N]?" Shoot! I just left her there! Without thinking, I ran back to where I thought he/she was. There wasn't anyone there. I wanted to run further, but the girls stopped me.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked suddenly. "Anne wanted to see Pandoria for herself more." Linda answered. I nodded, then started to look for [H/N] again.

"[H/N]! Where are you?!" I cried out after a while. The girls already left. "Don't do this to me! You know I love you!" Anyone could hear these, but I couldn't care less. I didn't hear him/her. Not even him/her shadow. "[H-H/N]... Please..." Tears started to roll down my cheeks. My knees felt heavy, so I just let myself fall on the ground. I must look pathetic right now.

"[Y/N]?" I looked up, and stood up as fast as I could. "[H/N]!" I started crying really hard. [H/N] didn't say anything, instead, motioned me to get on him/her. I did as he/she wanted, and just hugged his/her neck, and cried. Soon, I felt we were trotting. We got into the portal.

"What the..." [H/N] sounded confused. "W-what i-is it..?" I asked, still crying. Then I heard footsteps becoming more and more louder. "What's the problem my dove?" At the nickname, I froze. Ydris! I looked up, only to see a worried Ydris. "What happened?!" He asked coming closer. "How did we end up here?!" [H/N] snorted, and was about to literally jump on Ydris. I held his/her neck harder, but not too hard.

"S-shh... Calm down boy/girl." Tears were still falling down from my eyes. "No, you need to calm down!" Ydris was so confused. "Come here [Y/N]..." He opened his arms towards me, to hug him. I really didn't want to step away from [H/N] after what heppened, but in the other hand, Ydris wants to calm me down. I dismounted my dear horse, then ran to hug Ydris. He held me close, and so tight. I looked up at his face, and saw sadness in his eyes. Somehow I felt protected too. Oh, dear Aideen... I love him so much!

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