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jeno sat across donghyuck and slammed the books down the table, startling the tanned male that was mentally away.

seduce him.

donghyuck blinked, ❝what!?

donghyuck then earned a warning look from the librarian and all he did was take a bow as an apology before giving his attention back to jeno who's reading a book as if he had just not said anything wrong.

jeno, you see this?❞ donghyuck pointed at the clothes he his wearing, mark's clothes to be exact.

yes and i must say,❞ jeno raised his head from the book he is reading and squinted his eyes at donghyuck. ❝it's something of use later.

the tanned male curiously tilted his head to the side, ❝later?

when you get to the dorms, get undressed.

what the f—

and donghyuck again earned a look from the librarian. can jeno just tell donghyuck why he's telling him all of this inside the library? he should have known that he's a loud kid.

oh, that's it. for him not to be so loud when he tells his next way in making mark loyal. smart, jeno is actually smart.

are you crazy?

actually, just remove the sweatpants.❞ jeno said, not minding any of donghyuck's against reactions. ❝you can just complain that it's hot.

no way.

break up with him.

tell me why i'm asking ways from you when i can ask some from jaemin?❞ donghyuck groaned.

he doesn't know shit.

from renjun then.❞ the tanned male said and earned one bright smile from jeno.

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