⌜ special chapter ⌟

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❝jiro shitty park!❞ chan grumbled under his breath and slammed the door closed the moment he got home from school

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jiro shitty park!❞ chan grumbled under his breath and slammed the door closed the moment he got home from school.

the parents that are cuddling by the sofa, with love in the air surrounding them, flinched at the loud sound. their attention then went to their son that came home looking like someone just messed the glitters on his cake. in other words, chan looked pissed.

donghyuck pushed himself off from his husband and took a good look at his pouting son. ❝what's wrong with you?

the boy didn't dare answer his papa's question and walked towards the kitchen only to be stopped by his other father who's scary when serious.

you're papa asked you a question.❞ mark said sternly, squinting his eyes at chan after finding something odd with him. ❝turn around.

the boy who has his back faced at them, as if he was hiding something, shook his head slowly. ❝i'm fine, nothing is wrong.

turn around lee chan.

chan groaned in a most silent manner, not wanting for mark to scold him even more for having that attitude towards them. sometimes he can't help but complain about how strict they are, especially his dad.

donghyuck then let out a loud gasped when he saw a red mark on his son's neck. ❝were you bitten by a mosquito?

his lover that's hugging him on the waist from behind  chuckled at how innocent donghyuck is despite of going through every unholy deed in his life. ❝i don't think it's a mosquito bite sunshine.

chan sighed. ❝it's a mosquito bite.

mark then widened his eyes, surprised. ❝what?

in the middle of the hallways, with students gathering around us!❞ chan clutched his hair upon remembering the scene over again. ❝he was jealous because i went out with jeffrey and then he did this!❞ he said while pointing at the red mark on his neck.

he gave you a mosquito bite?

chan shook his head in disappointment. ❝he placed a mosquito and it bit me.❞ even chan didn't know how his boyfriend did it but it was possible. ❝he even named the mosquito as "jiro" so that it's just like him marking me.

he.. what?

chan was disappointed for sure. ❝i'm seventeen! i can't believe that he can't give me a hickey. he told me it's not yet the right time!

both mark and donghyuck couldn't help but be proud after hearing that. it was nice to see that chenle and jisung taught their son well not to make the same mistake as them. and now, they'll have to deal with chan who's wanting it too early. well, donghyuck blames it on mark who's also like that back then when they were still chan's age.

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