⌜ seventeen ⌟

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greeted by the sun and waking up with your loved one sleeping soundly right next to you, now that's something mark gladly would love to wake up to everyday. not only was he finally allowed to sleep on the bed (as if he was actually banned to in the first place), but he also got to fix the relationship he had with donghyuck. although, he still doubts that he's going to be the best for him but he is going to try.

wake up sunshine.❞ mark said with his voice opposite to what he wanted for his boyfriend to do. it was soft as ever, more like putting his sunshine to deep sleep instead of waking him up.

mark clearly knows how bad donghyuck is in acting, he also could see that donghyuck was pretending to sleep and it was honestly a cute sight to see. his plum lips parted, light snors coming out, calm breathing, and his small hands gripping on mark's shirt very tight to prevent him from leaving beside him.

sunshine..❞ mark smirked, his own long fingers making its way to donghyuck's hips and poking his sides that made donghyuck flinch.

but despite of him already being so obvious, donghyuck still stayed sleeping.

trying on something else, mark hovered over the beautiful tanned male. donghyuck still had his hands clutching on mark's shirt as if his life depends on it. ❝you need to wake up my sun.

but it's too early.❞ the younger pouted, mentally cursing as he already blew his cover.

and you have classes.❞ mark leaned down and buried his head on donghyuck's exposed neck, sniffing his strawberry scent thta never fails to remind mark of a baby's scent.

donghyuck opened his eyes slowly and hummed at mark placing soft kisses on his neck. ❝that's unfair. why do i have classes and you don't?

because i'm graduating and you're not?❞ mark chuckled, reminding donghyuck that they have different schedules since mark is a year above him.

i'm not attending classes if you're not.❞ donghyuck finally removed his grip on mark's shirt and turned his body around, burying his head down on the fluffy mattress.


the sun is sleeping.❞ the tanned male said with his voice fading and let out a yawn, getting comfortable with mark still hovering over him.

the older male let out a giggle as his arms went to snake around donghyuck's waist and pulled him close. ❝come on, you don't want your parents to be called do you?

it's just for today. it's not like the world is going to end if i skip for just a day.❞ donghyuck muffled out, some words not clear for mark but he was too sleepy to repeat it again.

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