⌜ sixteen ⌟

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wiping his tears, donghyuck forced himself to wear his clothes for the day

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wiping his tears, donghyuck forced himself to wear his clothes for the day. he woke up not seeing mark anywhere in their shared dorm. maybe he was going too fast? he shouldn't have pulled mark down for a kiss. he should have just confessed and told him that he still loved him. but no, donghyuck just had to rush things and mess everything up.

a small part of him also blamed mark for looking so tempting. but he blamed it all mostly on himself for rushing things.

j-jeno?❞ donghyuck raised his head and saw his bestfriend the moment he took a step out of his dorm.

the smiling angel then went worried when he saw donghyuck crying. ❝why are you—

a hug, that's what donghyuck needed so much right now. which is why he jumped towards jeno and engulfed him in a tight hug, thankful that jeno didn't push him away and hugged him back. jeno comforted him with no words, just his hands rubbing circles behind the crying male.

w-why is love s-so hard?❞ all donghyuck wanted to feel was love, he wanted to feel loved in love, but why was he hurting in love instead?

hyuck, everyone goes through that stage.❞ even jeno went through that. lucky for him, jaemin and renjun were strong and kept holding on to him. mark just happens to be stupid, along with donghyuck being so dense.

showing a smile when donghyuck's small hands made its way to his, jeno held the crying donghyuck tight to comfort him.

let's go?

the male only nodded his head and was dragged out of the dorm by jeno. he didn't question why jeno was inside his shared dorm with mark in the first place neither did he question about mark's whereabouts. thinking about it only makes him cry even more. the scene keeps on replaying inside his head, when mark kissed him back and gave him false hope, to pushing him away and apologizing.

it really confused donghyuck but despite of that happening, he still wanted mark back.

he wants mark back in his life.

jeno noticed donghyuck being so oddly silent, totally not himself, but he didn't dare to push donghyuck to speak. he only held donghyuck's hand and dragged him to their campus, letting him cry and release everything he felt out. other reason why he held himself back from comforting the younger, he was scared to expose the plan for today.


donghyuck's soft and broken voice then snapped jeno back to reality and just realized that they are already in the campus. it felt like they only walked for a minute but it was five minute when jeno went to check his phone for the time and also saw both jaemin's and renjun's messages.

humming, jeno kept his phone and turned to looked at donghyuck who's scooting close to him. ❝what is it hyuck?

wrapping his arms on jeno's, donghyuck had his lips quivering as his eyes went to scan the campus where surprisingly a lot of students are gathered at the entrance this early. ❝why are they looking at me?

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