Lost Earring

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Hello reader~!! I love it when people leave comments~!!! Keep leaving comments please!!! Well I should just cut to the story but I got to say one thing before I do.... I (saddly) don't own Hetalia (i wish I did) in anyway, shape, or form. Now here's the story of you and the Brit~!!! (>c<)


My legs zoomed through the aisles of canned goods and cold food in search of an earring that I lost as I was shopping. My eyes frantically searched the ground for something that shined, not finding anything but small dust bunnies and tiny ants. What kind of grocery store had such an untidy environment? I continued to survey the area for a sign of my lost earring. My eyes caught the shine of something small at my far right. My legs quickly race in the direction of the faint light. Could it be!

As I get closer to the object, I recognize the little pearl that has a small painting of a blue flower on it lying in the middle of hustle and bustle. My legs couldn't carry me fast enough. Someone picked up my lost pearl and walked off with it.I wave my hands frantically as I continued in the direction of the thief.

"Hey! That's mine! Come back here!"

My screams could not be heard within two feet. People around me continued to walk past me, blocking my sight of the thief.

"Move damn it!"

I cussed like there was no tomorrow at the pushy people around me. Damn them! Can't they see that I need to go somewhere! My elbows jabbed people out of my way. Some that I hit cussed at me and others just pretended not to notice, which was just what I needed on a terrible day like today.

By the time I was done pushing through the large swarms of people, the thief was gone. I slammed my hand against the nearby wall.

"Damn it, I was too late..."

I left the grocery store, noticing that it was raining hard. Since I walked here, and it as sunny just an hour ago, I didn't have an umbrella. Not like this day can get any worse! Hahaha! I sarcastically thought to myself. Just as I finished my thought, a car drove by me and splashed a whole lot of muddy water on me.

"Fuck you bastard!"

My yelling, once again, wasn't heard. Now covered in mud, I walk down through the powerful rain in the middle of the road, not caring if a car hit me. Damn that car, damn that thief, damn those people, and damn the whole fucking world!

Suddenly I heard a very loud vroom from behind me, causing me to turn around. A large truck was headed right for me! It was honking its horn loudly. My mind was telling me to get the hell out of there but my legs were too scared to respond. I guess this is it. What a great way to die. Just as I closed my eyes to prepare for impact, I was tackled to the sidewalk. I heard the honking truck's horn fading away.

I opened my eyes to see a man on top of me breathing heavily. He was kind of cute, but something about him seemed familiar.

"Are you alright love? You're not hurt are you?"

Holy shit! He had a fucking British accent! So fucking hot! A blush crossed my face as I remembered that he was on top of me still.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for saving me."

"Not a problem love. May I ask what you might have been doing walking in the middle of traffic?"

He removed himself from me and helped me up. I straightened my dirty shirt and looked up at him.

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