The Secret's Out!

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England sunk in his seat at the small diner as the noisy America yelled out in shock. France wrapped an arm around England's shoulder and laughed his signature laugh.

"Onhonhon~ I knew you liked her all along~"

England blushed a dark shade of red at France's words.

"H-how could you tell?! I didn't tell anyone till now!"

A small panda walked onto the table and sat in front of England's face. The two had a short staring contest, England losing.

"It was obvious, aru. You are always getting red when she's around you."

Russia took a drink of his vodka as China passed some rice to America, who grabbed the bowl and ate all of it. England smashed his head against the table as he thought of how obvious he was being around his crush.

"Bloody hell! What if she knows I like her and she doesn't like me back?"

America stuffed another plate of orange chicken in his mouth as he listened to England.

"Knowing her, she probably doesn't even know that you like her, mon ami."

"And even if she did, she probably wouldn't like you."

America stated as he took a gulp of his diet Coke. England fumed at America's idea.


"AHAHAHA! She probably doesn't though!"

"Stupid America, never mess around with amour~"

"That is right, aru!"

"I would just make her become one, da."

The Allies looked at Russia with a quite disturbed look on their faces. England shook his head and rested it on his hand.

"Even if she did like me, there is NO way I could tell her."

All of them thought as Russia asked the waiter for more vodka, since he finished the last five already. China cracked open a fortune cookie and looked inside.

"AIYA! I had this fortune yesterday! We need new fortune, aru."

America ate the rest of the bowls of Chinese food then finished his meal. He took a toothpick and started poking at the small panda with it. China noticed and pulled the panda from the table and held it in his arms. Suddenly France had an idea.

"I have an idea!"

They all looked to him with hope.

"Well what is it, frog?"

Ignoring England's remark, he continued with what his plan was.

"Ok here's the plan..."


"You should tell him!"

Hungary stated as she sat on the corner of your bed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Belgium smiled happily and clapped her hands together.

"That's a wonderful idea! Tell him _______!"

You blush as you look at your face in the mirror.

"I-I can't! What if he doesn't like me. That would be awkward."

"But what if he does."

Liechtenstein suggested as she hugged the large hello kitty plushy on your bed.

"Then you two will be happy."

Belarus walked up behind you and brushed your hair.

"Just tell him. Like what I do with big brother."

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