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Quinn and Aurora walked down the ramp of the ship with Traeger at the front. The soldiers that surrounded the area had begun to gather with their guns pointed at them.

"Just tell them to put the guns down." Quinn says to Traeger, who says nothing.

"Tell them!" He shouts. Traeger gives Quinn a look before turning back.

"If Captain McKenna doesn't lower his weapon in the next 10 seconds, shoot the bitch's knees out. That work for you?" He says.

"Oh, that's a really bad idea. My guys got this place covered on every angle." He replies and shouts to the soldiers.

"That's a funny story. See, I don't give a shit. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five-"

Then suddenly they heard a yell. Then a flare popped up in the sky, lighting up the area. This distracted all of them, giving Traeger time to knock Quinn back and run to the soldiers for cover.

"Come on!" Quinn shouts as he begins to shoot the soldiers while they ran to the nearby boulder.

"Take them down!" He shouted into his earpiece and shot more soldiers. Then they stopped behind the boulder and looked around.

"Let's go, Rory." He says and they ran to a vehicle, hiding behind it while the others shoot the nearby soldiers.

Then suddenly she heard growling. Rory looked up at the rocks and saw the invisible outline of the alien climbing down the cliff wall.

"He's here." She breathed.

Some soldiers began to shoot at him but they didn't live long. One soldier shot at him as he landed in an suv, crushing it under his weight. Instantly, the soldier was picked up and thrown across the fence, electrocuted. More men shot at him as a jeep drive towards him with three men inside. He flipped over a car as another soldier shot at him. He raised his gauntlet and shot a metal wire into the mans gut, killing him instantly before lowering it level to the three men driving. In an instant, they were decapitated by the wire.

"Cease fire, cease fire." A soldier says. Then the soldiers paused, letting him go through the wreckage and to the ship.

As he walked by, he could smell the sweet smell of the female, looking towards a truck and seeing her kneeling down. The man whipped around and held the gun at him while he had an arm covering her. He scoffed; that puny human thinks he can stop him with a slingshot. He sent one last growling glare towards Aurora before turning around and walking away to the ship, putting in the code and walking inside. After he went inside, Traeger shouted from behind a truck.

"Hey, McKenna. Be reasonable. There's six of you, seven of us." He says. Then suddenly, the man next to him was shot in the head.

"Who taught you math?" Quinn shouted back with a smirk.

"You can walk away from this, Captain. I just want the ship." Traeger says.

Just then, they heard the loud roar of the predator, causing them to cover their ears with a groan. Then suddenly, the translator kicked on and words began to copy out as it spoke.

"Hello. I have enjoyed watching you kill each other. I came here to destroy this vessel. You cannot have it. What you can do is run. I detect one among you who is a worthy specimen. The one called McKenna. She will be my prize. I offer time advantage. Go." The voice says.

"She? That thing just say she?" Coyle says aloud. Rory gulps in fear as Quinn looks her over. Then he grunts angrily and stands slowly.

"Hey! I'm coming out!" He tells. He held up the gun by his finger, Traeger doing the same as they all approached.

Not seconds later, they are all loading up guns and preparing to leave.

"Okay, so we split up. 12 different directions. McKenna's the one he wants." A soldier says glaring at Rory, who glared back.

"No, no, no! We stay together or it'll take us one by one." Traeger says.

"Nothing's starting!" A soldier says as they try to start vehicles.

"Son of a bitch. He must have hacked the vehicles." Traeger says.

"If we can get to the helicopter, go two klicks north." Quinn replies.

"Got you." Traeger says but Quinn put a hand on his chest.

"Hey? When this is over, you and me, we're gonna dance." He threatens.

"I got my shoes all picked out." He replies walking away.

Soon everyone loaded up and took off to the forest, Aurora in the middle of the group. As they passed through the trees, they heard the explosion. Rory looked back, seeing the flames even from behind the thick brush of trees.

"Rory, come on." Quinn says as Nebraska takes her hand and pulls her with him through the forest.

"Give me the goody bag." Traeger says digging through the duffel bag full of predator technology and picked up the mask. He walked up to Rory, who was still holding Nebraska's hand.

"Hey, on Halloween, this blew up a whole house. How do you shoot it?" He asks.

"You don't. It just fires by itself when it's being attacked." She replies.

"Seriously? Oh, shit." Traeger says as they ran through the forest.

As they did so, there was rustling in the trees ahead. A soldier dug through the bag and picked up a piece of technology.

"I heard something." He says throwing the device.

"Hey, man. That's Predator technology." He says too late. As it was returning, Traeger taps his wrist.

"That... It's gonna come back. You got, uh, a catcher on the wrist. That's gonna come back." He says as the device came barreling back at the man.

The an panics, holding up his hand and the device slices his hand off. The man drops to his knees screaming. Traeger, worried the predator will hear, shoots the man in the head.

"Gotta be quiet." He says just before a man was snatched up behind him and pulled into the trees.

Traeger fell to the ground as the man's hand continued to fire the gun at the ground as he was dragged upside down. Rory whipped around and saw the predator bite the man's head off and toss it to the ground before they began to shoot at him. He disappeared into the trees and it went silent again while they ran down the small hill. Nebraska stops the soldiers and points them in the opposite direction, causing Quinn to pause.

"There's a clearing up ahead. Lynch left some pyro up there. To cover our retreat." He explains.

"Let's find it and trap the motherfucker." Quinn says.

"You guys go set it up. We'll lure him in." Baxley says, making Coyle pause.

"Who?" He asks.

"You and me." Baxley replies obviously.

"Yeah? All right." Quinn and the others take off to the clearing where a bag if explosives rest behind a tree.

Quinn pushed his sister down behind an uprooted part of a tree and covered her with his coat.

"Okay ill be right back. Don't move."

"Quinn, I can't keep doing this." She says shaking her head.

"Doing what?"

"People are dying because of me... I can't keep running. What if he kills you? I couldn't live with your death knowing it was my fault." She says as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Hey listen to me." He says taking her cheeks.

"We are going to kill this son of a bitch and then were going home. I promise."

Rory just nodded, but inside, as they were setting up the traps and making plans, she had a plan forming in her own mind.

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