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After the traps were set up and everyone was hiding, they waited for the predator to come walking through. As Rory sat by her brother, she couldn't help but wonder why the hell he wanted her. Was it because she could understand his language? She didn't know what to do, should she let them all die for her or make a run for it and try to get him to give up the search and save their lives? She didn't want her brother to die.

Quinn shoved her deep into a rooted tree as they all cocked their weapons and waited for the creature. As they did, he covered her with his jacket.

"Don't worry Rory, we're almost home." He says but she shakes her head.

"No Quinn, it's only gonna get worse. He'll kill all of you and it's my fault..."

"Hey, I told you we'll be fine. We're gonna kill this son of a bitch." He says clapping a hand on her neck and getting up. She sighed. She had to act now or no one will survive.

As Quinn and the others ready to attack, she felt her heart hammering in her chest and an unsettling feeling in her gut. He had to be close.

Then suddenly, they all heard Coyle and Baxley shouting and running ahead. Instantly they were up and ready to fire when he approached. With a growl, he materialized in front of them shooting his gauntlet at a man and all but blowing him into pieces.

"Light him up!" Quinn shouts and they all fire at him.

The predator growled in aggravation and used his vision to see three people behind the stumps, blowing the trees up and shooting back at them. Rory his behind the roots, ears covered and tears running down her face when suddenly she heard her brother shout again. She opened her eyes, peering around the corner and seeing him downed. She slowly stood and reached Quinn.

"Quinn, we gotta go!"

He staggered to his feet and saw her running at the corner of his eye. He growls deeply and rushes towards her. But then he walked right into a mist of dark clouds and soon, it ignited, lighting him on fire. Aurora jumped as his roars sounded throughout the forest floor.

Suddenly, Baxley jumped into his back and started stabbing him repeatedly while he was on fire.

"Baxley!" Many shouted as he was suddenly flung across the valley, hitting a tree and imbedding into a large broken branch, stabbing him through the abdomen and pinning him to the ground.

"No!" Aurora shouts as she closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face as more gunshots were fired. She whipped back around just in time to see Coyle shooting a grenade at the alien, which in turn shot Coyle with a knife from his wrist gauntlet, landing on the ground.

"Rory, come on. They're done." Quinn says as he collected his sister and ran through the trees. Rory cried silently as two shots rang through the forest.

As they ran however, they didn't get far before a small explosion knocked them all down and scattered them across the floor. The predator emerged from the shadows, growling as his gold yellow eyes reached Aurora.

"McKenna..." He growls starting for her.

"Rory!" Quinn shouts as he begins shooting at him. It didn't help, he was tossed away, same with the woman he was with and the predator turned back around. But he was shocked to see Aurora was gone. He heard feet padding quickly across the forest floor and she leapt into the trees, following the terrified girl.

Aurora ran, it was the only thing she could think of to keep her brother alive. As she ran, she could hear the distant growls of the predator coming for her. She ran until she ran out of lung power, finally slowing at a small cliff overlooking the river below. She pants out pained breaths as she looks around for a safe place to climb down. But by the time she saw a small dirt path below, she heard a growl behind her. She froze, feeling hot breath on the top of her head and she slowly turned. Her eyes instantly met the eyes of the huge predator. He was even bigger up close. His hand looked like he could crush her skull in seconds.

"Finally..." She heard and whimpered in fear as he reached for her. Instantly she stepped back, a last week attempt to keep him away. But she forgot one simple thing. The cliff.

Her feet met air when she stepped back and she gasped, falling down. A split second as he was hanging in the air but her arm, her feet dangling in mid air. She wasn't able to get a yelp in before she was lifting up higher by the predator, who's meaty hand was wrapped around her arm, covering all of her wrist and half her lower arm. He glared at her as he slowly began it walk away with her.

She began to fight, pulling her arm and kicking and swinging at him while she cussed him out. He ignored her, trudging down the path and to his ship, which he materialized as soon as he approached. She marveled at the size of his ship but only for a moment. He entered the ship and walked straight to a small oval door in the wall, opening it and shoving her inside.

"Wait, stop!" She shouts as he shuts the door. He watched her smack the clear covering for a moment before turning to the controls.

Aurora began to year up again and curled up, sniffling. But then she felt something poking her back and she looked back to see her duffel bag and blinked in surprise. Did this son of a bitch pack a bag for her?

"Rory, Rory come in!" She heard and instantly her hand went to her belt. Confused, she pulled a talkies from her belt. When did this get here?


"Rory, thank God! Listen the fucker is gone, where are you? Are you ok?" Quinn says. This made her cry again as she watched the predator prepare for takeoff.

"I'm sorry Quinn. I wasn't fast enough."

"What? No, no I'm coming to get you!"

"It's too late Quinn." She says as the rumbling of the engine started and almost instantly, they were in the air.

"No!" She heard over the talkie before she could barely hear the sound of shots outside. They sounded below the ship and she knew it was too late.

"Quinn, Quinn!" She shouted through the talkie.


"I'm sorry big brother...will you do something for me?"


"Take care of that boy for me? And keep your wife safe. They need you now... I'll be ok." She says through her tears.

"No, Rory please-"

"Don't worry for me ok? He doesn't want me dead, that much I know... I love you Quinn..." She says, leaning her head back.

" you-...ack..." She heard through the static before it finally cut out and she let her tears fall more, this time with no energy to silence them.

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