New Home

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Rory didn't know when she fell asleep but it seemed like an hour. She was laying curled in a ball on the floor of the cell, but strangely a blanket was laying over her form. It was the quilt from her own bed, how did that get here? She slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and stretched, but was surprised that her knuckles didn't hit the cell walls.

Instead her hands were open wide and there was space. That's when she realized that her surroundings were no longer a small round cell in the wall, but large round bed of furs in an even larger room with dark walls and skulls lining each of them. She gasped, lips trembling as she looked around. Human skulls lined small shelves and stands in the room while larger skulls hung about the room's walls. Rory hugged herself as she looked around, seeing two doors on either side of the room.

She bit her lip, she had to pee but didn't know which door it was. She moved her quilt off her and hummed in confusion. She didn't feel the tight pair of jeans she fell asleep in. She was nude, she didn't even have her panties on. She covered herself and breathed out a huff of disbelief. That son of a bitch undressed her!

She felt her body, noting nothing was sore so he couldn't have touched her... Unless he was gentle about it. But that would have woken her. She wrapped the blanket around her and got off the bed, padding to the door on her left and looking it over. There was no handle, how the hell is she supposed to get out? She looked at the symbols on the small panel beside the door and pressed a small symbol. She jumped as the door hissed open slowly.

"Space door... Right." She mutters, but froze when she realized she picked the wrong door.

The same son of a bitch stood in front of the door, arms crossed and glaring down at her. She gripped the blanket tight as he growled down at her, his gold eyes piercing through her own and she shook.

"Where are you off to little one?" His growling voice muttered as he stepped inside, causing her to back away.

"I- I was just looking for the bathroom." Rory says hugging herself harder as he approached, all but leading her back to the bed until the back of her knees touched the furs. She leaned as far back as she could without falling on the bed as he inches even closer.

"Bathroom..." He echoes.

"Y-Yeah... I have to use the bathroom." She stutters as his hot breath blew gently into her face. His breath smelled fruity, like he had been eating a fruity breakfast beforehand.

His gold orbs eyed her a minute longer before he stood up straight, his arms still crossed.

"Other door." He says motioning with his head, his leather like dreads swishing as his head moved.

Rory kept him in the corner of her eye as she walked around him, quickly walking to the door and it slid open with a hiss, revealing a very human like bathroom. A toilet, sink, huge tub that looked more like a Jacuzzi tub and a large oval shaped window that revealed the stars as they slowly flew past them. Rory almost forgot where she was a moment. Her feet moved before her mind could, moving to the window and looking out, seeing a small planet far away. It was multicolored and had a tiny blue moon above it. Another planet. She was in space, THE outer space.

"Wow..." She breathed as she watched the planet disappear as they flew by it.

She didn't know how long she was standing at the window, but she failed to notice the alien was filling the tub with water and sprinkling strangely sweet smelling herbs in it before looking to her.

"Come." He says, causing her to jolt out of her state of mind and whip around, seeing him lay a cloth down and step away.

"Bathe yourself woman, you stink." He growls before walking away, the door shutting behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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