Chapter 22

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Killian's POV

"Emma no!" I screamed. Suddenly everything was clear. I wasn't in love with Milah. I loved my precious Emma and now I was going to lose her.

"Emma!" Neal cried. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"She's dying and it's all your fault!" I screamed and dropped to my knees, cradling her in my arms. "Emma sweetheart! Look at me please." I cried.

Her beautiful eyes fluttered open. "K-Killian?" She said, her voice was pained and shaky.

"It's alright my love. It's okay. I'm here." Tears spilled from my eyes. "It's going to be okay baby!"

"I-it hurts Killian..." Emma cried. The gunshot wound just barely missed her heart.

"We need to get you to the hospital." I tried smiling to reassure her but I couldn't even fake it. "I won't let you die. I promise." I kissed her trembling lips and lifted her from the ground.

Emma was brought as quickly as possible to the hospital.

~~~Emma's POV~~~

Everything was dark. My head hurt like crazy and I couldn't seem to focus. My eyes slowly fluttered open and the bright light of the hospital room blinded me. Quickly, I shut my eyes. After a while I opened my eyes again. Letting my eyes adjust to the bright light, I looked around. I saw many people but I didn't recognize any one them.

A dark haired man ran towards me. "Emma! Thank God you're alive! I'm so so sorry!"

I was surprised and confused. "What?

•••Killian's POV•••

"I'm sorry why are you apologizing? And who are you?" Emma asked. His heart shattered into a million pieces.

"I-I'm Neal...I'm...your true love." Neal said. I can't believe him! After all this he's STILL trying to win?! I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way.

"Emma? Remember me?" I smiled hesitantly.

She jumped up and wrapped her arms around me. "Killian! My Killian!" I smiled and held her tightly against me.

"You're healed?!" I grinned widely as I looked at her. "How?"

"Uhhh....I don't know...where are we?" She asked sounding so innocent.

"We're at the Storybrooke hospital." I answered her.

"What's Storybrooke?" Emma looked confused.

"What do you mean? It's where we live."

"I-I don't remember anything. I can't remember my parents, any of my's like my entire mind is blank...except for you."

"I think we should get you to Gold." I said and took her hand.

She nodded. "I like gold. It's pretty."

"Wait what?!" I looked at her surprised.

"Gold is pretty. I have a gold necklace...but I don't know where I got it." She trailed off.

I smiled again. "Oh you meant the mineral."

"Ya. What did you mean?" Emma looked and sounded confused.

"Never mind that, just come with me." I rejoined our hands and started walking.

"Wait!" Neal cried. "Can I come?"

"Why in hell should we let you come?! You're the reason we're in this mess-"

Neal cut me off. "Then let me help fix it."

I sighed. "Fine...but I'm not going to hold your hand too."

We started walking towards Gold's shop. I walked inside with Emma and Neal followed. "Who is he?" Emma asked.

Apparently Gold heard her. "I am Mr. Gold, and you are Emma Swan. We have met before dearie."

Emma seemed surprised at all the people that claimed to know her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well I don't really remember anything or anybody."

"In this land I am known as Adam Gold, but I am more commonly known as Rumplestiltskin." Emma giggled a little when he made a funny gesture with his hands that I nicknamed 'The Rumple'

He got more serious. "So what seems to be the problem?"


Author's Note!

Soooooo...there wasn't too much drama in this Chapter...which means there'll be even more in the next chapter!


NEXT GOAL: 420 Votes and 215 Comments!

Question Time again! Answer in the comments!

1) What happened to Emma?

2) Will Mr. Gold help them? Or nawwww?!

3) Should Henry come back?

4) Why is Neal endlessly pursuing Emma when she is obviously madly in love with KILLIAN JONES?!?!

That's enough questions for now. See you next time! Follow me on Instagram! @the_oncers_of_storybrooke

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