First Love

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Tay's Pov
So I'm trying to find New and finally saw him and he tried to run away again but this time I couldn't take it. I just wanted tell him everything.
So I chased him and finally reached his hand and grabbed it tightly, this time I won't let go. I didn't want him to see my face so I told him to stay that way.
"New, please don't run away, I just wanna convey that I like you like not just as a friend but more than a friend as lover? oh my god what am I even saying. You see I realised it when you left me alone in my room for 4 fucking days that was really hard. No one cared in my life till now cared for me like you do. So at the start I thought this feeling was something else but now I know..I was lonely without you. You are the first one who made me feel like this New! You know I'm okay with just being friends just don't fucking avoid me it hurts-"
At that instant I felt something on my lips.
Uhh what??? is he kissing me??? I was startled that I didn't respond to the kiss. Hey is it over?? No way!
He pulled back and said "You talk too much."
"I like you too Tay. I just couldn't say it because I didn't want our friendship to break and actually I liked since way back when we were kids."
I was shocked whoa.
"Well now you know its mutual.
.be my boyfriend?" I said by holding his hand and squeezing it a little.
"Of course you old man!"
"Hey we are just one year apart!!"
He just gave me a smile that would definitely send me to heaven if I died right now. So this time I kissed him just a sweet gentle kiss.
I'm so happy that now we are officially boyfriends I can't help but smile.
"Now will you come back to our room???"
"Hmmmmm I'll think about it."
"Whaaat whyyy Newwww!!"
"I'm just kidding Tay."
"Well you better be or I'll tell Gun and Off to kick you out of their room then you'll have no choice but to come back hah." I said with a smirk.
He hit my forehead slightly and said "No need to do that because I too want to be with my boyfriend. "
Okay that word sounds perfect I can't hide my blush nor my smile so I put hands on my face to hide myself.
"You are blushing so cute Tay I love you!!!"
I was shocked that he can say whatever is on his mind.
"How can you be so shameless even though you are cute too." I said and the last words were almost a whisper.
New just giggled.

New's Pov
He confessed to me and said that no one cared for him like me. Yeah right, he didn't have parents to take care of him but after that he was just babbling some shit so I just kissed him, his lips felt so good..but he didn't respond and I pulled away too fast. Its okay now we can kiss how many times as I want ahhaha. I have decided that I'll take care of him till I die. Yes New you found yourself a boyfriend who loves you as much as you love him.
I just told him that I like him since back when we were kids his reaction was better than I expected. This felt like a dream to me. I called him an old man and he kissed me for that okay is that a kink??? haha
I acted way too dramatically when I left his room but that eventually helped me get the man whom I love. Lol should I do this often?? like leaving our room whenever we argue?? I'm kidding. Of course I'm going back to our room. When I said the word boyfriend he blushed so hard and that was so cute god!!! I guess I can't get enough of Tay. He called me shameless. But what's wrong in showing it when you are in love! and about getting back to our room..
"I was suffocating in Gun's room anyway. Sometimes I felt chill running through my body and when I would look back it was Gun giving me squinty eyes." I said.
"Are you serious??? thats really funny. Isn't he supposed to be your best friend? Still he doesn't want you to be in the room?? Thats very..." Tay couldn't stop laughing after that.
"Hey stop it! It seems like Gun and Off have some secret thats why they didn't want me in their room." I protested.
"So you agree that you were unwanted there." Tay said while he smirked.
Ughh this evil man!!!
"Yeah whatever lets go I need to get my stuff you are coming with me."
"Yes your majesty." said Tay while bowing to me.
I couldn't help but laugh.

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