Chapter 2: Rising

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        "Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed."

        1 Corinthians 15:51-42

        Quickly I got dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans my black oxfords a short sleeve black button up blouse with a white peter pan collar and a gray cardigan. I still didn't know exactly what I was doing but the overwhelming need to do this had begun to itch at my skin making me almost want to scream. I grabbed this old leather back pack that kind of resembled the one Laura Croft carried through out the Tomb Raider games and stuffed $200 dollars along with three water bottles, protein bars and a small vintage knife with the etching of a dream catcher in the wooden handle I had picked up at a road side-show a few years back just in case actually ever needed protection, and God willing, I wouldn't need it.

        I grabbed a book and my keys and my cell phone on the way out and headed down the street to the bus stop. I looked it up just to make sure and Pontiac, Illinois was only about nine hours away and just my luck there was only two gas and goes along the way and only one of those could be found near the woods. My best guess was that was the one I needed to head to and catching the next bus that left at eleven, I'd get there around eight in the morning.

        I got to the bus stop just as it pulled up and paid the toll before grabbing a seat in the front. I still had no idea what I was doing or why I was doing it but I was a firm believer in God. At least enough to think that this is what I needed to do. I believed in ghosts and psyche, tarot and palm reading, so maybe I had just been sensitive my entire life and it was deciding to kick in now? Supernatural was my best guess and I didn't study biblical and demonic lore for four years and own a book store full of anything from lycanthropy to warlocks to start second guessing that I could be having visions for some reason. That was the question though, why? And who was I going to meet when I got there?

        Nine hours and a bus full of stinky people, creepy men and not one but two very unhappy crying babies I finally arrived at my destination. I stepped off the bus and looked around. Raising an eyebrow and feeling my heart pound against my chest I saw the gas station, the phone booth as well as the tall trees in the distance. Swallowing hard I pulled on the leather straps of my back pack and headed towards the woods.

        Okay if I was a giant wooden cross in the middle of nowhere, where would I be?

        Sighing, I looked around and decided to keep a straight line forward, hoping either something would shout out at me 'Hey I'm a Cross!' Or I'd just stumble upon it, whatever came first.

        Well, vision or voice in my head, you could actually help me out now if you wanted.

        I said to no one in particular, it had only been about 15 minuets bust still, without a proper way to go about doing this I could seriously get lost! Groaning, I looked around for something that would ring a bell when I started to hear the ringing in my head, it wasn't as loud as last time but still it hurt.

        "Straight ahead, not much longer now."

        Okay, thank you.

        I said shaking my head as my ears popped. Sure enough straight ahead was the cross. I felt my heart speed up as I walked even faster until I was standing right in front of it. A small smile played across my face. I wasn't crazy after all, well, for the most part. But what did I need to do, why was I brought here? Thinking back on what the voice had said before, something about he was coming and he would need my help. Maybe this is where he would meet me? In any case, I felt my stomach rumble so I decided to sit down for a moment and have a snack and hopefully this guy would show up.

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