Chapter 1: Visions

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“ And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Romans 12:2

        I lay in bed for a while after my alarm went off sounding the start of my day.  I would be lying to myself if I said I really wanted to get out of the covers.  There was nothing I wanted more than to stay under them forever and do nothing at all.  But that was not going to happen.  I sighed, throwing the covers to the side and rolled off the bed to my feet, stretching and letting out a soft yawn.  Walking over to my closet, I picked out a navy blue knee length baby doll dress with an off white peter pan collar.  I grabbed a mustard yellow cardigan and dark gray stalkings along with my dark brown ankle length oxfords.

        I proceeded to brush my dark brown, almost black elbow length hair, pulling half of it up and combing out my bangs that rested just above my eyebrows.  I didn’t put too much makeup on just some winged black liner, mascara and my favorite matte red lipstick and placed my thick black glasses atop my pale nose.  After the usual teeth brushing and what not I headed down stairs to grab my lunch I had packed the night before as well as my breakfast and was on my way to work on my vintage mint purple bicycle with an attached basket for holding all my goodies.

About 15 minuets away I owned a small bookstore stashed to the brim with numeros volumes on lore and myths of anything that went bump in the night.  I majored in biblical and demonic history while in college and it carried over to my career, leaving myself surrounded by books full of all the information you could think of on said topics.  Settling in for a long and promisingly uneventful day, I sat in the middle of a rather large pile of books that needed to be categorized.


        Setting the final book on the shelf where it rightfully belonged, I huffed looking at the clock, realizing alphabetizing had taken a lot longer then I thought it would and it was already three in the afternoon, which meant lunch time.  Taking a seat at my desk I pulled out my water, apple slices and chocolate pudding, I proceeded to bite down on a piece of apple while I was looking up an order of books I had placed a week ago that still hadn't gotten here when I notice a faint ringing in my ear.  Shaking my head I played it off on account of me being up and down the stepping stool all day while I was putting the books away.

        I would have paid it no mind but it got worse and I began to feel this clenching in my stomach radiating up my to my chest.  Was I having a heart attack?!  I got up to grab my cell phone from my purse so I could call 911 but my knees gave out and fell, toppling over a stack of books.  As I lay there curled into a ball, this indescribable pain enveloping my entire body, a voice broke through the ringing.

“He is coming, you must go to him.”

What?  Who's coming, where? I was so confused and I just wanted the ringing to stop.

“Pontiac, Illinois, he's going to need your help.”


        But as soon as it came it was gone, the pain, the ringing, the voice, gone.  I let out a small cry I didn't realize had gotten caught in my throat and sat up wiping at the stray tears that had fallen down my rosy cheeks.  Absent mindlessly I wrapped my fingers around the small silver cross that rested around my neck.  Was I losing my mind? Maybe I just hadn't had enough to eat today?  That had to be eat.  Standing up slowly, I gingerly found my way over to my desk and took a sip of my water breathing deeply as I tried to collect my thoughts.  But what about that voice?  I just couldn’t shake it.  Sighing I let my eyes fall to the books that had been thrown to the ground and my breath caught in my chest.  There, laying open on the floor was a map of Illinois.  Pontiac had been circled in an almost burning way, like someone had held up a match to it.  Slowly, I leaned down crawling over to the book and picked it up with shaking hands looking at it, my eyes going wide.  It was only about a nine hour drive but I didn’t even own a car!  What was I thinking?  Was I seriously considering traveling across states to some place I had never been to find a guy I had never even met who supposedly “Needed me”?  I was defiantly losing my mind.  I threw the book and stood up grabbing my purse and keys before heading out to my bike.  I had defiantly lost my mind


        When I got home that night I locked all my doors and made sure all my windows were shut before turning in for the night.  I tried to just erase whatever had happened at my store with a hot, steaming shower.  Heading upstairs I stripped and turned the water to how ever hot I could handle and stepped in underneath the stream getting my hair wet. 

You need to get out more, that's all.  You have no friends and no love life and what do you do for fun?  Church on Sundays?  To many hours at the book store, that's all.

        I let out a small laugh, starting to believe that it was just over working myself with no out let when I started to hear that ringing again and this pinching behind my eyes ripped through my skull.  I grabbed my head as my eyes rolled backwards.  Fuzzy images of a cross in the ground surrounded by tall trees played across my mind.  Images of a gas and go and telephone booth and a sign that said Pontiac an hour away followed.  And with that, the images were gone.  I fell back against the wall sinking to the ground, breathing heavily.

 Okay...okay, it's okay, were okay.  I tried telling myself, but inside I was freaking out. 

        I stood up slowly and turned off the water, wrapping a towel around myself and stepping out of the shower.  My eyes went wide when I saw that someone or something had written GO TO HIM on the mirror.  I let out a small cry and whipped it away like it was never there in the first place, but I knew it was.  Running my hands through my hair I rushed out of the bathroom to my bedroom and sat on my bed trying to focus.  I tried to make sense of what I had saw and all I kept coming up with was I needed to go to Pontiac, Illinois.  I gripped my cross once again and sighed.  I was really going to do this wasn't I? The more the thought plaid out in my head, the more this feeling of urgency gathered in my, like a snake coiling in my stomach wanting out.  What was the worst that would happen?  I'd go, find nothing and just come back.  Every option I thought out in my head came back to the same conclusion, I was doing this.

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