Chapter 3: Names

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"A good name is more desirable than great riches;to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."


“Stay right there, don't move!” Dean yelled over the wailing.  I nodded, falling back against the cash register and watched as Dean grabbed a canister of salt that had been laying on a shelf not far away.  He proceeded to line the salt along the windows.  I watched in confusion.

“What are you doing?!” I tried to yell but the ringing became even louder then before and I swore I heard a voice trying to talk over it.  I clenched my hands as tight as they could over my ears and huddled down.  I could hear the windows starting to crack and the next thing I knew, Dean had thrown himself on top of me in a protective way as they shattered, sending tiny shards all around us.  And with that, the ringing was gone as fast as it had came.  The only sound was our labored breathing.

“Dean...”  I breathed shyly, suddenly aware of our position.

“Oh, sorry, are you okay?”  He asked, genuine concern evident in his husky voice as he stood up, helping me stand as well, dusting some of the glass that had fallen atop my form.  I nodded, looking up at him through my big glasses slightly fearful of what had just happened.

“What was that...I mean...that wasn't like before...”  It was his turn to look at me in confusion.

“Are you saying this has happened before?”  He asked, motioning to the shattered glass all around us.  I wrapped my hands around myself looking down at my feet trying to make sense of it all but as hard as I tried, I just couldn't.  I finally shrugged looking back up at those stunning green eyes, my knees instantly starting to shake so I resorted to picking tiny glass pieces out of my hair.

“Back when I said someone, or something rather, had told me to come and find you because you needed my help, I got this ringing in my ear before the voice finally came through and I was able to understand it wasn't like that, not that intense.”

His fingers came up and picked a big shard out of my bangs and threw it to the ground, causing me to catch his eye and I bit my lip nervously.  Like I said, I was a virgin so I wasn't really good around boys, especially one as good looking as Dean, and the situation didn't help.

“Did you hear a voice this time?”  He questioned leaning down to pick up the plastic bag he had filled with water bottles and snacks.

“For a moment, I thought so, but it just got so loud, it all became so fuzzy, I'm so confused.”  I admitted, pulling on my back pack.  He nodded in understanding.

“Believe me sugar, I'm just as confused as you, that's why we need to get to my friend Bobby's, my brother, Sam, should be there as well and I'm hoping they can help us...”  he gestured between the two of us, “figure out exactly what the hell is going on.

“Okay.”  I said sighing, it seemed like the best option.  I certainly had no idea what was going on and with the opportunity of possibly getting some answers finally in view, I wasn't about to pass it up.

“Lets get to the bus station before we miss it.”  I said heading for the door before placing some cash on the counter.  This earned me a weird look from Dean.

“What? It's for all the stuff you took.”  I said matter-o-fact.  Dean laughed opening the door for me.

“Well aren’t you just as sweet as pie.”  He joked causing me to smile shyly as I walked outside stopping abruptly, causing Dean to run right into me.

“Woah, why'd you stop?”  He asked walking to stand beside me so he could get a better look.  I pointed at the bus that was currently driving away.

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