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Most of the time we don't really get what faith is... though we know what it is but oftentimes with our daily decisions it seems we don't know what faith means.

What it means to have faith in Jesus, in God.

Let us first define faith,

The scripture tells us that "Now FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." -Hebrews11:1

Pastor Aque, a pastor in our community, mentioned in one of his sermon what faith is about... He shared a story of a man... Holding on a branch as his life depends on it... well, literally it happened that way. In his point of view, if he let go on what he was holding on he believes that he will die. The uncertainty of what lies at the bottom scares him.

I'd like to share a story with the same sentiment as that story, Pastor Aque shared, because i can't really remember the whole story. But the thought is kinda the same, about trust, its about faith.

Imagine a cliff, there was a man walking on it and he wasn't aware of what/where he was walking towards since the view seems blurry... as he was heading towards the cliff, to make it short, he then fell halfway from the cliff, thankfully, because he happened to have hold on to a branch, a tree branch... like what i said earlier, he was holding on it, as if his life depends on it... And so he shouted out, 'Help me! Help me, anyone! Is anyone there? Please! HELP!' He pleaded with all of his heart.

Then a voice spoke, 'I'm here, let go!' The voice said. As he heard the voice a spark of hope came to him. He then ask again, 'Where are you? Who are you?'

'I'm Jesus. I'm down here. Let go and i will catch you.' Jesus said.

The man was so afraid, 'No! No! I want someone up there to help me! Is there anyone else?' He was hoping for someone to drop a rope and pull him up. That was the way he wanted to be saved. It seems salvation is more certain that way for him.

That's the story... How do you think it ends?

There are truths I'd like to note with this story in regards with how our faith acts or what it means to have faith in God, in Jesus, the one who was sent to save us. Spiritually speaking.

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