Chapter 3 <3

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A few days later....
1st POV
I woke up groaning, while feeling light throbbing in my shoulder.

I sat up slowly, blinking multiple times to adjust my vision and looked around. I was in the medic room, Becca asleep in a chair on my left and Jimin on my right.

I smiled gently, ignoring the pain I climbed off of the bed picked up my sister and placed her on the bed covering her with a blanket and kissed her forehead. I grabbed a blanket and covered him as well kissing his cheek then left the room.

I walked down the stairs, ignoring the pain and headed into the living room to see the rest of the boys. The first one who saw me was Hobi. He rushed to me just as my knees buckled, he caught me and placed me on the couch.

"Chloe what are you doing? You should be resting," Jin said as he laid me down on the couch, placed a pillow under my head and a blanket over me.

I smiled and said, "I had to make sure everyone was alright, are they?" They looked at me in disbelief but Namjoon replied, "yea everyone is safe but aren't you concerned about yourself?" I shook my head and said, "as long as those I love and care about are safe and sound why should I complain?"
They stared at me for a couple more seconds before Becca and Jimin bounded into the living room looking frantic.

"Elle there you are!" Yelled Becca as she was about lunge at me but Jin stopped her and said, "she just woke up be careful," Becca nodded, approached me slowly, then pulled me into a gentle hug.

I felt tears soak my shirt, I squeezed my eyes shut and began to sing to her softly,
'I know you are  afraid.
At sunset at night
Night is dark
Unlike daytime
Now when the sun goes down
We go through more cold
But you knew it
I'm worried we are stars

With both hands holding hands
Standing against each other
I'll take this one step at a time

In any darkness
Even if the roads are blocked

I remember what I said
I don't miss your hand
I promise you

No one can take you down
You and me Promise
No one can take you down
I'll be there
Like a shining star.'

Just as I sang the last verse she sang along, her voice muffled but she joined in which made me more than happy.
"You alright Becca?" I asked softly and she shook her head. I frowned and asked, "what is the matter?" "You almost left me!" She cried and flung herself at me again.

I hummed holding her close, just as there was banging coming from the door making everyone fall silent.

Yoongi shot Namjoon a look he nodded and followed him....they seemed?? I frowned, sitting up slowly, ignoring the pain  moving Becca to my side as I spoke, "Taeyhung and Jimin please take Becca to her room and stay there with her."  They seemed hesitant but nodded and literally had to drag Becca away. 

"Elle are you alright?" Jin asked as he sat down next to me. I forced a smile and said, "of course Jin I am always alright." 

I jumped slightly as sounds of fighting came from the front of the house. Jin gave me a look that told me,to stay put and rushed to check it out. I sighed got up, grabbing a gun that laid on the coffee table and limped to the front. Hoseok and Jungkook hadn't taken note. 

Not yet anyway. 

I peeked around the doorway and saw my three facing off against guys in black suits. Guys with guns behind them.

Big guns.

I closed my eyes, taking a breath and waited for the right to make my appearance. Because if that now everyone would die, but stayed put and decided to listen in. 
What do you want Xavier?" Yoongi asked stance tense and voice emotionless, I jumped a little at it but continued to listen. 

"I want the two girls you have, you see someone important wants them and I am sure you know who," the man in the middle said with a smirk. I froze and drew back my heart pounding. 

He couldn't be back could he?
If he is Becca and I....we have to run...
to keep  them safe...dammit...

I swallowed my tears and was about to bolt upstairs when I heard, "if you want them you'll have to kill us first. And we aren't easy to kill.


I closed my eyes and ran upstairs past Hoseok and Jungkook who looked confused. I burst into Becca's room she was playing cards with the two but stopped when she saw me. Before she could ask anything I pulled her into a hug and whispered.
"We have to leave, he is looking for us." I felt her tense but she sighed and said, "midnight." "Yes." 

"You aren't leaving," Yoongi said as I walked past him into the kitchen, it's about six right now. We have about...six hours left...and Yoongi somehow found out we were gonna leave now him and the boys are edge. 

Particularly him, Taeyhung and Jimin.

I shot him a look and said, "yes we are I don't see the problem. We leave everyone is safe." Taeyhung suddenly appeared with Hoseok looking quite angry. "Why are you dragging Becca into it she is your sister!" I shook my head and said, "she's not coming with." They looked at me who shook and surprise while I raised my eyebrow looking at them. "You really thought I'd involve my sister the one who'd I'd sworn to protect until the day I die? Really thanks." 

I was about to walk back to my room( without my food) when a hand encircled my wrist and yanked me into a chest. I looked up my eyes locking with Hoseok's he had a fiery look in them. "You aren't leaving us," he said voice hard as he pulled me into a hug. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck as another  pair wrapped around me from behind. 


I felt Hoseok's body begin to relax as I began to hum softly, leaning my head against Yoongi's shoulder him relaxing as well. 

"Please don't leave us." 

"I won't."

I placed the letter on my pillow and headed to the window. I sighed as my feet landed on the soft grass and I took off running to the bridge.

I'm sorry.
This is the only way to keep you safe.

I reached the bridge in about 10 minutes. I took in a shaky breath as I walked to a car in the middle of the bridge. Xavier stood there arms crossed. I looked up at him and asked, "what does he want?"

"Oh, love he doesn't know about you being alive not yet anyway. want you," Kol said as he appeared next to Xavier making my eyes widen. "Kol what are you doing here?" "I am here for you my love," he said just as I felt a stinging sensation in the back of my neck. 

I stumbled backwards fighting off sleep and tried to get away but arms grabbed me before I could. Last thing I heard was,

"I finally have you my love..."

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