Chapter 4 <3

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3rd POV

When Yoongi and Hoseok heard Elle was gone and a note was left in her place to put it mildly they were very angry.

Actually words cannot describe how angry they were let's just go with...livid. Becca....felt betrayed yet sad at the same time also understanding. Her sister always has and always will protect those dear to her. And if she has to sacrifice herzelf then so be it. 

At the moment they are in the living room. Becca wedged between Jimin and Tae (who were also worried but hiding it) Jin leaned against the wall next to Jungkook (Jinkook) across from the door way. Namjoon and Hoseok were leaning against the wall behind the television. While Yoongi...paced and ranted. 

"Yoongi calm down..." Namjoon murmured voice low but everyone heard him. He spun to face Namjoon eyes blazing, "I am not calming down. The girl lied to us and decided to leave! She is being selfish!" Becca shot up and shoved Yoongi so hard it made him stumble backwards but he recovered and everyone looked at her in surprise.

Becca was breathing hard, fists clenched and body shaking. "You don't get how my sister works do you?" They kept quiet heads lowering as she glared at them. "She sighed and said, " my sister...protects people. No matter what, no matter the condition she is in she protects them. Because...she...she..doesn't believe she has to live. But she kept herself alive for my sake. That was until we met you guys...these last four months...she trusts you more than anything with me. only protecting those she loves."

Becca takes in a shaky breath, trying not to cry when arms wrap around her and pull her slowly and softly into a chest. She gripped Jimin's shirt so hard you'd think she'd rip it. She takes in a deep breath and calmed herself. She turned her head slightly to see Yoongi talking to Jin and Jungkook and the two left.

They came back with weapons and a letter....Becca frowned. "Where'd you find that?" She asked as she took it from Jungkook eyes skimming it as everyone focused on her. "In the weapon room...Yoongi...our sliver dagger and poison is missing..." Yoongi was about to reply but was cut off by Becca stumbling into the television causing it to crash to the floor. 

Jin gently took Becca by the shoulders and pulled her into his side. "What is the matter Becca?" He asked softly as her eyes locked with Hoseok's wide with fear. "He didn't come for her..."  "Who then?" Asked Hoseok stepping forward. Swallowing she replied with a shaky voice.

"Kol Blackwell. Our brother."

1st POV

"My love please wake up I want to see your beautiful eyes..." a familiar sadistic voice said. 
I groaned and opened my eyes slowly, blinking to adjust to the light. I took note that I was in a cell on a mattress on the floor. I looked around my eyes locking Kol standing by the door grinning at me.


"Why am I here Kol?" I asked leaning against the wall, eyeing him. "I just wanted you my love, I'll be back later. I have some work to finished but don't worry we'll play soon," with that he disappeared through the door.

That's what I am worried about...


When I woke up again it was dark and I was...chained to a chair. I shook my hear and thought, 'this guy hasn't changed....' "Oh my love you are awake! We can have some fun," I heard him say but I couldn't see him. It is too dark to see anything only a light above me is keeping me sane. 

"What game are you playing this time Kol?" I asked hissing as a cut was made on my arm. "Well, my love you see the Bangtan used to work for us. They decided to go rogue and try to stop the system. Just like your parents just like you. Why do you think Victor is after you?" He asked sounding bored as more cuts appeared. 

I closed my eyes, shaking my head as I began to feel...a little light headed. "But now?" I asked as he stepped into the light twirling a dagger. "Why else? You're all together. Shooting fish in a barrel." And plunged the dagger into my shoulder -with the wound- making me cry out in pain but I swallowed the tears. 

"I'm bored now. You'll be dead in about four hours. Take her to the bridge and throw her over, let the fish eat her." He said as I blacked out and felt myself being lifted up.

3rd POV
Becca kept looking at the letter, trying to figure out where'd he'd take Elle after he played with her. He took her to different places and just leave her to die.  The boys were discussing where they should search when Becca said, "the bridge. He's going to take her to the bridge." 

They nodded and everyone, jumped into their cars determined to safe her. 

Just like, Becca guessed they were at they bridge. Two men were carrying Elle's unconscious body to the side..what..."they're going to throw her over!" Becca yelled and bolted to save her sister, the boys not far behind. 

Becca wrapped her arms around her sister's waist and somehow tackled her out of the men's hands. Her arms and legs got hurt a little, but all she cared about at the moment was her sister. She sat up pulling her sister into her lap....she looked up to see the boys were handling the men. Becca sighed in relief and turned her attention back to Elle. 

She frowned as she saw freah cuts on her body and some kind of green liquid by them. She looked at her shoulder and saw that it was worse that liquid as well. "Yoongi was your poison green?" She asked as he and Taeyhung knelt next to her. He nodded and was about to ask why when he saw her wounds answering the question. He picked her up without a word and carried her to the car. Becca was picked up by Taeyhung making her  squeak in surprise drawing a light chuckle from him.

She knew they could save her sister.
She just hoped they wanted to.

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