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Another day in hell. Literally. You would think it interesting to live in the underworld. It's not. It's boring and most of the time you can barely concentrate on anything because of all the tortured souls screaming and pleading.

"τι συμβαίνει, αγάπη;"
(What's wrong, my love)

She turned to face the devil himself, her father.

"τίποτα, πατέρα"
(Nothing, father)

She didn't want him knowing that she wanted to go out into the world all she gets to experience of it is the scraps of wasted human souls.

"δεν μπορείς να με ψέψεις, αγάπη"
(Something is bothering you, love)

"Fine, dad. I want to go and explore the world. See what's out there."

He knew she couldn't. Even she knew her request would be denied. It wasn't the first time she had brought this topic up with her father. She would find out the truth and he couldn't have that happen.

"You can't, αγάπη"

"But why? You always say that without reason."

"Because the world up there, it can't handle you. You can't handle it."

"What if I go with someone?"

"No, αγάπη."

She groaned and walked away.

Later on her mind pondered on what her father was hiding. It was so obvious he was trying to keep something from her.


Her sister, Filia had just entered


She was expressing her passionate emotions to the wrong person but didn't care at the moment.

"I don't know what's bothering you but whatever it is you can talk to me."

Elub's bright blue orbs looked up to be met with Filia's  red ones. Neither holding pupils in their eyes, just the iris, but both withholding such strong, intimidating emotions from each other.

"I don't get why dad doesn't want to even consider letting me just at look at the world. It's extremely infuriating."

Filia's  eyes immediately broke away from hers.

"Great. Now you're hiding something from me."

She wasn't stupid. It didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"Listen, Elub. I'm sure whatever reason he has not to let you go is a good one."

"Goodbye, Filia."

Elub turned over to face the cold hard wall, her eyes a now piercing, deathly burning red inferno.

Filia sighed

"Bye, Elub."

She didn't know what it's like not to have deep emotions, which is rare for a demon. Let alone a hellhound but even when she feels nothing, she feels it completely.

Filia on the other hand, was suspicious of her father. She had a hunch as to what was going on but that was only the tip of the iceberg and she knew it.

Whatever it is you are hiding, father. I will find out

She thought to herself. A thought that if anyone else hear would travel like wildfire to her father's throne.


To answer a question I bet is pondering on your minds:

'Elub' doesn't know her real name is Atlanta. Any theories as to why?

And should I continue writing in narrator pov?

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