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To say Hades was mad was an understatement. He. Was. Furious.

- rewind -

Walking through the torturing eternity that is hell, Elub was already thinking of excuses to give her father. Sure she was fierce but to Hades? She was seen -not even as his daughter -, but a servant and her being his daughter wouldn't stop him from torturing her for whatever she did wrong.

"Elub Yvi." His voice was calm but his demeanor? Anything but calm.

"Father. I have been summoned?" Sure, she looked calm but on the inside was terrified on what he would do. Last time she did something he didn't like, he starved her and ordered her own sister (the only sibling she was actually close with), along with her brothers, to torture her. And to quote his words, to

'Have no mercy.'

With no room for arguments or excuses.

Oh how she wished he would die. She would've done it by now if he wasn't immortal and she knew she could say the same for her siblings. As much as they all sucked up to him and praised him like he was the root of life, they all wished death upon him. It's a pity only gods can kill other gods...

"Devil, Lucifer."

They each took long strides to eventually be on either side of Elub.

'Those f-'

"It has been brought to my attention that you and Filia have been being secretive and coming up with a plan of some sorts?"

'Seriously?' She thought, 'I was worried about this?! Being 'secretive?' does he have any idea how childish and idiotic that is?!'

She looked to her brothers.

"Seriously? Secretive? A 'plan'?"

"Indeed, Elub. We notified father on our worries. We want to make sure you aren't working against us."

"Against you? Since when has it been a crime to bond with my sister? Filia and I have not been coming up with a plan. Nor have we been plotting against you."

He studied her, trying to detect any signs of a lie or nervousness, though to her advantage. Seeing as she was the baby, when Hades was still nice, (or pretending to be nice for her sake) when she would whine to him about her siblings catching her out on a lie, he taught her how to do so. Therefore, she knew he wouldn't detect a thing. How dumb of him. Everyone would expect this of Devil but Hades?

"Alright then. I'll accept this -for now- but if I find out you're lying-...let's just say, something bad will happen, αγάπη." This, he said with a smirk.

"I would never lie to you father. I oath to the great land that is the Underworld."


With a quick bow, I scattered before my brothers could get the chance to try converse with me.

'Yes I made it!' But before I closed my dorm -more like 'block of stone'- a foot came into contact with it.

"Not so fast little one."

With a sigh. Still keeping the door as closed as she could with his foot in the way, she replied.

"To what do I owe this unpleasant encounter, Devil?"

"I know you're up to something, Elub. And though father can't see through your lies, I can and will prove to him my worthiness."

"Your eagerness to 'prove your worthiness' to him just makes you pathetic, Devil."

He let out a deep, threatening growl.

"It's cute you think you intimidate me, brother, but I must say it boosts my ego...a lot to know I have that much of an effect on you. You even had to growl because you felt threatened."

"That's not why I growled, Elub."

"Excuses, excuses."

He huffed.

"Did I hit a soft spot?"

"No, you- you..."

"I what...? And...no reply."

I let out an evil laugh, of which I had no idea came from where and leaving no room for anymore argument, shut my 'stone' with a loud bang. She loved getting to him. Though he made it too easy.

Hi everyone! My longest chapter so far I think. Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed it.




Bye loves and thank you.

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