Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I spent the day working and after work, I decided to head home. I couldn't handle going to the clubhouse right now. My mind was still spinning and I was still trying to figure out how to handle this shit with Happy. I can't let myself get hurt. Maybe taking a few days away from him might clear my mind a little. It's Friday and I get a call from Daddy. "Hey Daddy." I greet him when I answer the phone. "You coming to the party?" he asked. "No. My head hurts a little so I'm just gonna stay home tonight." I say. "Okay Sweetheart. Feel better. Love you." he says. "Love you too Daddy." I say before ending the call. I put on my shorts and tank top and lay in bed and turned on Netflix. I decide to start binge watching one of the shows but I'm not paying much attention. All I can think about is Happy. I get a text from Happy and open it.

H: You alright?

L: Yeah. Just a headache. Gonna try to sleep it off.

H: Okay. Night little girl.

L: Nite Hap.

I put the phone on the charger and place it on the nightstand. I fall asleep thinking about him. Waking up the next morning, I get up and make a cup of coffee. I decide I don't want to cook so I head to Hanna's to get my call in order. Walking out to the car, there is a pink rose on my windshield with a card. I know Happy wouldn't do something like this so I pick up the card and it reads:


You turned me down and that is something that doesn't happen. I will have you.

I drop the card and the rose. "Dylan?" I thought to myself. Looking around, I don't see anyone. Getting in my car, I head to Hanna's and get my food. Once I pull in the driveway, I walk inside and something seems a little off. I walk to the kitchen and see that the coffee pot is in the sink and I left it on the base. I pull out my gun that my dad makes me carry and start walking through the house. Walking into my bedroom, I see a bra and panty set placed neatly on the bed with another card.


This is what I want you to wear when I come for you.

I am officially freaked out now. I pick up the phone and call my dad. "Hey Sweetheart. Feeling better?" He asked. "Daddy?" I say and my voice cracks. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" he asked concerned. "I need you." I say. "We are on our way." he says before ending the call. When he pulls up, he has Jax, Juice, Tig, Chibs and Happy in tow. Daddy runs up to me and asked. "What happened?" I wrap my arms around him crying. When I calm down, I tell them. "I went to get breakfast this morning and found a rose on my windshield with a note. I brushed it off but when I came back, someone had been in my house." I told them and explained about the underwear and card in the bedroom. I see Happy clenching his jaw and his fists. "Do you know who it is?" Jax asked. "I think so." I say and Happy cuts in "Fuckboy." I look at him and nod. He heads for his bike and I grab his arm. "Happy. Don't. Please." I almost beg. He looks at me and pulls me to him. "I won't let him near you." he says and I cry into his chest. "Who is fuckboy?" Chibs asked. "He's a guy I used to work with. We were supposed to have a date and I saw him with another girl and stood him up. It was the night that I was upset at the clubhouse. When Happy took me to get my things at work and I kind of let him think that I was with Happy when I was supposed to be with him." I say and Tig says "That's my girl." I pull away from Happy and Jax says "You'll stay at the clubhouse for a couple of days until we can see what he is going to do." I sigh. "I will be okay here. Just, can Juice change my locks?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll put up a security system too where you can monitor it even when you aren't here." Juice says. The guys hug me goodbye and head to their bikes. "Are you sure you will be okay?" Daddy asked. "Yeah. Worst comes to worst, I'll stay at Aunt Lu's." I say and he nods. He kisses my forehead and heads to his bike. "I'll stay with you at night." Happy said. "I'll be fine Happy. I swear." I say and he nods before heading to his bike and leaving.

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