Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

A little later, the guys come out of church and see me and Gemma talking, somewhat peacefully. "You ladies call a truce?" Clay asked. "Trying to." Gemma says and I nod. I look at Gemma and say "Why don't we meet here tomorrow around noon and I'll help you plan that fundraiser." I tell her. "That's fine Sweetheart. I could use the help." she tells me. Happy pics up Vic's carrier and carries him out to the car. He follows me home and after we get inside, I am feeding Vic and Happy asked "What was that with Gemma today?" I look up and told him "She apologized and started telling me that she knows she's not going to be the president's Old Lady long and that she knew that Tara can't hold shit down like she can and I made the comment that shouldn't she be teaching me how to instead of trying to run me off and she agreed so I volunteered to help her with this new fundraiser that she's working on." I explain. "That's good." he tells me. "I still don't completely trust her but I'm trying and I figure that once she steps down as matriarch that I would step up and handle the fundraisers for SAMCRO like she has." I tell him. "That's good baby. Really good." he tells me.

Vic is fed, bathed and sleeping when Happy and I lay down for the night. I lay down next to him and lay my head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat, I drift off to sleep. I wake up to hear Vic crying. I go to get out of bed and Happy says "Sleep babe. I got him." He gets up and heads to the nursery. It amazes me how someone that is such a ruthless killer can be so gentle with me and our son. "I got you little dude. Daddy's here." he says to Vic and I hear him immediately stop crying. I don't hear anything for a minute before Happy finally speaks again. "Here you go buddy. Drink up. Mommy and Daddy love you so much little man." he tells Vic. A few minutes later, Happy comes back to bed and we both drift off to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, I am making breakfast and Happy walks in with Vic. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yeah babe." he says. "I've noticed that you never let me get up with him at night and even in the morning. Why?" I asked. "I don't get to see him a lot during the day so it gives me a chance to hang out with him." he tells me. "You really love being a dad don't you?" I asked. He just looked at Vic and said "Yeah. I do."

After breakfast, Happy kissed me and Vic goodbye and headed to work. Noon rolls around and I pull up to the clubhouse to meet with Gemma. Sitting in the main room, at one of the tables, she asked "Can I hold him?" I take him from the carrier and hand him to her and we start talking about the upcoming fundraiser. "What if we did some kind of auction?" I asked. "What kind are you thinking?" she asked. "Well, I have a friend that owns an auction company. She goes to the estate sales all the time and buys items to auction off. I could call her and see if she can help. Anything that she has listed that sells for a fundraiser like this she can write off on her taxes." I say. "That's a good idea. When can you call her?" she asked. "I can call her tonight." I say. We talk a little more before Happy gets off work. "You ready to head home Momma?" he asked. "Yeah. We are." I tell him.

Getting home, I call my friend Lori. "Hey Lori. I have a proposition for you." I tell her. "What's that?" she asked. "The club is wanting to do a fundraiser for the music department at the elementary and middle school and we were wondering if we could get your help." I explain. "Yeah, sure. When are you wanting to do it?" she asked. "We were thinking next month." I tell her. "Sure. I can help. Look, come by on Monday and we will work out the details." she tells me. "Thanks Lori. I owe you." I tell her and we end the call before I walk to the living room to spend time with my Old Man and the kid.

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