Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Monday morning rolls around and Gemma and I meet with Lori. "Hey Lucy. How have you been?" Lori asked. "Good. How are you?" I asked. "Good." she says. "Lori, this is my friend Gemma. She's the one that's doing the fundraiser." I tell her and they shake hands. "Who's this little one?" Lori asked as she sees me holding the carrier. "This is my son, Vic." I tell her. "Lucy, he's precious." she says. "Thanks Lori." I say and she leads us to her office. "Okay. Here's what I have worked out. I can donate thirty items that we can auction off. I can hold the auction in Charming and since it's for the school, it would be best to do it at the school and invite the entire community. We can go through and pick the items to submit and I will handle the actual auction. How's that sound?" Lori asked. "That sounds great. But when you do these fundraisers like this, what's the intake look like?" Gemma asked. "Well, they vary but normally when I do one, there's only about twenty items. I am doing thirty for this one because of it being Lucy and if you are happy with how this one goes, I would love to keep helping with these kind of fundraisers every year." Lori tells us. "But the fundraisers that I do with twenty items it usually brings in between eight and fifteen grand." Lori says. "I know you don't just hand over the items, what's your take in it?" Gemma asked. "All I ask is what I paid for the item but once we see what items you pick out, I will make sure you have a list of what I paid for each item so that you know what we are looking at from the get go." Lori says. "Good. That sounds fair." Gemma says.

After meeting with Lori, we get lunch for the guys and head to the clubhouse. Pulling onto the lot, I see Happy standing outside arguing with a croweater. Getting out of the car, Gemma says "I got him. Handle your shit." I walk over to Happy and the croweater and ask "Is there a problem here?" The croweater looks at me and says "This is not your business. This is between me and my man." I look at her and then at Happy and ask "You been fucking her?" He looks at me and says "Fuck no. Bitch been pushing up on me and I can't get her to leave me alone." I look at him and he says "No." I nod and look at her. "Look, I don't know what your game is but you need to back the fuck off. He's my Old Man and I will gut your ass if you touch him again." I say, getting in her face. "Bitch please. He ain't gonna stay with your fat ass. We both know that." she says. Grabbing her by the hair, I slam her face into the picnic table, knocking her out. "Get her out of here prospect." Happy says. Turning to me, he tries to pull me to him and I pull away. "Don't." I say before walking away. I walk to the office and get Vic and head to the car. Happy follows me. "Stay here tonight." I tell him before getting in the car and leaving.

That night, I put Vic down and am sitting in the living room as the tears fall when the door opens. Happy walks in and I don't look at him. "Thought I said to stay at the clubhouse." I say. "I'm not staying there when my wife and kid are here." he says. "Did you fuck her?" I asked. "No babe. I didn't. I wouldn't do that to you." he says. All of a sudden there's a knock at the door. Happy opens the door and Unser walks in. "Lucy, Sweetheart. I need you to come with me. That croweater came in and wants to press charges on you for assault. I gotta take you in." he says. "The hell you do." Happy says. "Hap. It's okay. He's just doing his job. Stay with Vic and I'll be back soon." I tell him. Walking into the police station, Unser puts me in a cell. He asked "You wanna tell me what happened?" I sigh, "Croweater pushing up on Happy. He wouldn't hit her so I did." I tell him. "Well, we'll figure this out. I'll check on you shortly." he tells me and I just nod. Four hours later, Unser comes in and says, "Looks like she's not pressing charges. I think Gemma had a little chat with her." he tells me as he unlocks the cell, letting me out. Walking out of the police station, Happy is waiting there on his bike. Handing me my helmet, he kisses me and says "Let's go home momma."

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