Chapter 1

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On a mission-






Retrieve stolen scroll

Enemy- Akatsuki (Fake)

"Damnit Naruto! You were on guard duty, why did you let it get stolen!" Sakura yelled.

All of four of them were pursuing the pair of thieves, jumping from tree to tree and it was almost Christmas.

"I already said I was sorry, Sakura-chan, but Ichiraku's was having a sale and it was so cold outside. Besides why is it so important?" Naruto asked politely as possible trying not to upset her any more.

"That scroll held the contents of a very important cure! That's why I trusted you to guard it, idiot!" Sakura still held a grudge against him.

"Calm down, Sakura, geez. We'll get it back, so quit your yelling. I mean its only two people from the fake Akatsuki. These guys are wimps, looking for a quick buck. But they still piss me off for using the name of our most challenging enemy. " Kiba exclaimed, grinding his teeth.

"Ya-a it could be easy to g-get the scroll back. " Hinata said quietly.

"Please Hinata, even you could beat them by yourself," Kiba said smirking," actually that's not a bad idea."

"N-o-o Kiba. I would not like t-to fight the enemy." Hinata said shaking.

"It'll be okay, if they hurt you, you can sure bet I would pummel their ass down." Kiba said reassuring her.

"Alright we found them, now stop flirting Kiba." Sakura whispered.

"Whatever." Kiba replied.

They hid behind a bush as the two thieves went into a teashop. Naruto was about after them but Kiba beat him to it. They raced each other inside and slammed the door close. Sakura did a face palm and sighed. She knew a quiet ambush wasn't for them; they liked to charge to the front of the battle. She got her kunai out and waited by the door, Hinata slowly following behind her. Sakura put her ear on the door and heard a big commotion. Soon two beat up criminals were thrown outside and just laid on the dirt begging for mercy.

"Ha, I win!" Naruto said.

"Yeah right, I made my guy hit the floor way before yours," Kiba growled.

"Who cares! Where's the scroll?" Sakura yelled at thieves.

"W-we h-handed it to them," The pitiful thief said.

Kiba held up a rolled paper and smiled triumphantly.

"Thank goodness," Sakura sighed.

They raced home, with Hinata pacing herself behind them of course. They went straight to Tsunade's office and told her the good news.

"Well done. You are excused until a further mission comes up," Tsunade smiled.

"Wooooo! I'm going to grab myself some breakfast."

"You idiot, it's 2 a.m., no one is going to be open," Sakura said, hitting his head, and then going to her home.

"Y-you could get some s-sleep, Naruto-kun. You might feel better," Hinata shyly suggested, tapping her fingers together.

"You know what, that's not a bad idea. Goodnight everyone," Naruto said as he walked toward his home.

"Your welcome," Hinata whispered, blushing.

"Hey Hinata, um you would mind if I walked you home?" Kiba asked nicely.

"Thank you, Kiba-kun. I would love to have a friend's company on the way home," Hinata said smilingly.

"Ya, friend," Kiba sadly whispered.

The two walked together and chatted about their missions' together and fond memories. Kiba tried paying attention to what she was saying but he just couldn't stop thinking about holding her hand or carrying her home. He knew he could never do that though. Hinata was rarely touched; sometimes she would get hugs but nothing more. She was a completely exclusive diamond, never scratched or dirtied. She is the purest beauty. She talked a little, its only when Naruto is around that she rarely talked and stutter. He was thinking about giving her a kiss good night. But as soon as they got to the entrance of her home, the door quickly slid open.

"Hinata, where have you been?" Her father asked.

"I was assigned a mission, father. I'm sorry I did not tell you. It was very last minute. We just got back and Kiba was kind enough to walk me home," Hinata explained.

"Thank you for walking her home, Kiba. Hinata please come inside it is very cold," her father said.

"Yes, father. Good night Kiba," Hinata said as she walked inside.

As soon as Hinata was gone, her father sneered at Kiba and shut the door in his face. Kiba think much of it, he was quite used to the Hyuuga's "hospitality". It was mostly her father because he despised every boy except Neji. He just cared a lot for his daughter. Kiba just couldn't stop thinking about Hinata though. Even though she always says friends, Kiba can't stop thinking about being more than friends. He's seen plenty of girls and they never compared to Hinata. Sure they had the same curves or the perfect skin but no one could compare to her kindness. Since Christmas was near, he had plenty of things on his mind on what to get her. He always wanted to get her under the mistletoe every year but it never worked. If she saw it, she wouldn't go near it as if it was some big scary monster, probably because her dad forbids her to go near that plant. Oh well, Kiba couldn't stop thinking about her.

-9:00 a.m.

"It's too early to get up," Naruto yawned.

He stretched out and changed clothes. He was going to go to a store to see what he could Sakura-chan. He didn't know anything about medicine only that it helps you heal and if you eat it, it tastes bad. He walked out the door and headed to Ino's shop to see if she would help him get something for Sakura.

"You really don't know what Sakura would like? I'm surprised; you've been her teammate for a while now, right? Don't you listen to what she wants?" Ino asked the dumb-founded Naruto.

"Let's see, Sakura-chan loves pink. Maybe I should get her pink underwear," Naruto daydreamed.



"Idiot! Never get a girl something very personal unless you're her boyfriend! She likes pink, yes. What else is pink?" Ino tried hinting him the pink dress that Sakura was dying for when she saw it in a window last fall.

" Um flowers?"

" Ugh, never mind, I'll go with you to find something for her," Ino sighs.

" Oh hey Kiba!" Naruto calls out.

The person Naruto called out though, was not who he thought. As soon as "Kiba" saw Naruto, he fainted.

-At the Hyuuga's house

"Mmmm, I never realized my bed was so comfy," "Hinata" stretched out," Hey Akamaru, buddy, where'd you go? My legs are cold."

"Good morning, Ms. Hyuuga, your breakfast is ready," a servant said as she opened the door.

"Ms.? Hyuuga? Since when am I a girl?" "Hinata" quietly said.

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