" I just want to see my wife"

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They got home and there was a note on the Foster's door "Come to this address for your wedding surprise. Love, Moms"

"Shell we Mrs. Foster"Brandon smiled

"We shell Mr. Foster"she kissed his cheek

When they arrived at the address they were amazed.

"Wow"Brandon said

"Ya this is something"Callie said

They walked up to the two story yellow house.They knocked on the doorabd Stef answered

"Mom what is going on?"Brandon asked

"Oh hi babies"she hugged them both"Come in"she walked them into the living room

When they walked in they saw a welcome home sign hung over the mantel and everyone gathered in together.

"What is all this ?"Callie asked

"SURPRISE"everyone shouted

"Sweetie, Mom and I bought to this house as your wedding present, its close by and its everything Callie always wanted"Lena said

Callie started to cry"I love it and you guys"she ran up to them and hugged them both

"Oh and we love too"Lena said as she rubbed her back

After everyone was done eatting Brandon was in the kitchen with his momcleaning up, Lena was playing a game with Jude and Jesus, Mariana and Callie were upstairs talking

"So how was the honeymoon?"Mariana asked as she sat on the bed with Callie

"Amazing, we felt like little kids "Callie laughed

"So I need to tell you something"Mariana said

"Uh oh ,this sounds serious"she laughed

''It kind of is'' Mariana said "The day of the wedding you asked me to get the plane tickets for you and when I found something"

"What"Callie asked

"Is there something you would like to tell me"Sister to Sister" ''

Mariana,what are you talking about"Callie said confused

"Are you carrying the newest Foster"she said in a high pitch voice

Callie looked horrified

"Oh my God you are" she said all excited

''Shh yes I am ok, but I'm scared"she looked down

"Why are you scared your married to the man of your dreams,who would be thrilled to know he is going to be a Daddy"she said

"Ya I he will be, he was before"she said quietly

"What do you mean before?"she asked

"I was pregnant two years ago"she told her

"Wait was, Callie what happened"

*Flashback **

"So I'll see you later tonight"Brandon kissed his wife

"I love you "she said

"I love you too"he bent down and kissed her four month pregnant belly "and I love you too peanut"

Callie giggled"Brandon stop it"

"What I'm just happy you are making me a Daddy"he smiled

"Well Mommy needs to go to work"she yawned

"Callie are you sure you don't want me to drive you, you haven't been yourself"he said

"No I'll be fine, I don't want to make drive all the way later to get me "she smiled

"Are you sure,I don't mind"he said

"Brandon"she gave him the look

"Ok, but call me if you don't feel comfortable driving alright"he said

"Alright"she kissed him

Later that night Brandon was getting worried he hasn't heard from Callie she usually calls when she's leaving and the was no sign of her yet.

The phone started ringing"Hello"Brandon answered

''Yes hello can I speak to a Mr. Foster please"the person asked

''Yes this is him, may I ask who's calling"

"I'm Dr. Walker, I'm calling in regards to a Callie Foster, is she related to you?"he asked

''Yes she is my wife,what is going on"he asked all worried

"She was brought to the hospital, she was involved in a car accident"

"I'm on my way"he said he hung up the phone and ran out of the apparment

He ran into the hospital"Hi I'm looking for my wife, Callie Foster"he said to one of the nurses

"Yes,I'll page the doctor"she said

"No I want my wife"he yelled at her

"Sir please lower your voice"she said

''I'm sorry I just want to see my wife"he cried

"Mr Foster ,I'm Dr.Walker I spoke to you on the phone"he said ad he shook his hand

"Yes hi what happened to my wife''he asked

"Your wife was hit by a drunk driver"he told him

"Is she ok "Brandon asked

"Ya but she is pretty banged up though and there was a lot of bleeding, so what I'm about to tell you is the hardest part of job"he said

"You don't need to say it ,we lost the baby"Brandon said as he started crying

"I'm so very sorry""You can go see her if you would like"he said

"Thanks, oh wait does she know"

The doctor nodded

"Thanks"a tear fell from his face when he walked into the room and saw her curled up"Callie"he whispered

She turn to looked at him with tears in her eyes and cried even harder

"Oh honey"he crawled into bed

"I lost her"she cried into him

**End of Flashback **

"Oh my Callie "Mariana said with tears in her eyes"how come you never told any of us"

"We were so broken, and Brandon saw how I shut down and he didn't want the family to bunbard me"Callie said crying

"Oh honey"she hugged her

"A few months after we separated and then Brandon cam e home"she said

"Does he now about this baby"she asked

"Not yet"she said

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