"the baby wants cake"

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Mariana pulled up to pick up Callie, Callie got in the car.

"Hey Girl you ready to go see Brandon play again?"She asked

Callie nodded with no expression

"Uh oh ,what's wrong,,"she got worried"is it the baby"

"Mariana slow down, the baby's fine,but I'm not so sure I am "

"Callie, we are not leaving until you tell me what is going on"she turned the car off

"We are going to be late"Callie said

"Brandon will under stand"she turned to her

"I told Brandon"she said quietly

"Oh boy, I'm guessing by your mood he didn't take it well"she said

"Just the opposite, he was so excited"Callie said with tears in her eyes

"Callie,I'm not seeing the problem"Mariana was confused

"I'm so scared I'm going to lose this baby"she put her hands on her belly"and the he is all happy ,and I don't want to let him down again"

Mariana wrapped her into a hug "Maybe he is and didn't show because you were"

"I can't handle being the only one who is afraid"she wiped her tears away

"Then you two need to talk he loves you and would not wanting you to feel like this "

She nodded"Now can we go?'' Callie asked

''Ya let's go''she said and off they went

During the performance Callie was crying she didn't know how much she missed him play and how much she influenced his love of playing.

Mariana leaned over"Hey are you ok?"she asked

"Ya its the hormones"she laughed

"Ok"she rubbed her shoulder,she knew it was more to it

After the concert everyone was waiting for Brandon to come out everyone was talking to each other Stef walked over to Callie who was standing against the wall with her arms around her stomach

"Hey Callie are you ok?"she asked

"Ya, why wouldn't I be"she look at her

"Well,Brandon said you weren't feeling well"

''Yes I'm fine,B worries to much"she smiled

"That is because he loves you''she said

Up"Yes I'm fine Stef"

''Very well then''She didn't believe her and didn't want to pressure her

Callie was the first to see Brandon to walk out"Hey Baby, over here''

Brandon walked over to them"So how was it?"he asked curiously

"You were amazing baby"Callie wrapped her arms around her Husband

"Ya, it brought tears to our eyes"Lena said

''I didn't fall asleep"Jesus laughed

"JESUS'' Stef yelled

''What that's a good thing ''he said

''That makes two of us''Jude said

"JUDE"Callie said

"What its not my type of music""HEY at least I'm not the one who fell asleep"

"Really"he looked at her surprised

"Yes,I'm sorry" she said in ashame

"So, now the truth comes out, Miss Jacob doesn't like my music"he acted all hurt

"No I love you music, and its Mrs. Foster thanks to you "she hit him playfully

"Its ok you must be tired"he kissed her cheek

"Ya I'm a little tired "she said as she leaned into him

''Ok let's get you home'' he kissed her head

"But ,we were going to go back to the house for a celebration cake'' Stef said

"I'm sorry Mom my wife is tired I don't think I don't think we can come"

"No,I'm fine we'll be over"she said as she purked up

"Are you sure "he asked as he rubbed her back

"Yes,she said there's cake, the baby wants cake"she whispered the last part so only he could hear

"I guess we are coming over to have cake "he said

"Awesome, we will see you back at the house"Lena said

They all left and met up to the house

At the house Callie was sitting on the stairs talking to Jude

"So how are things?"she asked

"Good"he responded

"How is school"

"Great,I actually love it"

''That's great I'm glad"she hugged him

"Are you and Brandon ok?"he asked

"Yes were fine "she said

"Then why haven't you kissed him since we left,I thought newlyweds can't keep their hands off each other"

"Ha ha "she pushed him"We are fine,I just have a lot on my mind"

''Ok I love you"

"Love you to Jude"

"Hey can I talk to you"Brandon said

"Sure"she said as she got up and they walked outside"What's up B"she asked

"Why are you so quiet"he asked

"Why aren't you scared like I am''

"What Callie"

"Why aren't you scared about loosing the baby like am"

"I am scared... Of two thing ''

"Which are?"she grabbed her hand

"If we lose this baby,I'll lose you again, and when you told me today and I saw how scared you were I could show my true emotion cause I neededto be your rock"

"I don't want you to hide how your feeling"she said

"Ok, I love you Callie"he cupped her face"

"And for the record your not going to lose me,I'm stronger this time"she lean her forehead on his

"I'm glad to hear it"he said

"If you are ever scared I want you to talk to me got it "she said

"That goes for you too"

"Ok"she hugged him

"I know you might not want to do this but I want to tell the family about the baby"he told her

"Ok,but Mariana already knows"she laughed

"What you told her before me"

"She actually found out, before I knew for sure"

"Oh wow"''so can we tell them"

She nodded

"Let's go do it together"he grabbed her hand they walked in the house

"Moms,we have something to tell you guys"Brandon said

"What's wrong you two look like you've been crying"Lena was worried

"We are fine, I'm actually pregnant"Callie said

"What oh my God"Stef said all excited"I'm going to be a Grandma"she hugged Callie

"This the best news ever"Lena said she hugged Brandon, Brandon laughed

"Congratulations guys"Jesus said

"Thanks"Brandon and Callie stain in unison

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