"Let's make Jude the Godfather"

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It been four months and Callie is six months pregnant and couldn't be more happier then ever.She wasn't as scared as she thought she would be Knowing she had Brandon and the rest of the family.Callie was a photo editor for a magazine which she absolutely loved it .Brandon worked at Anchor Beach as thw music teacher he loved introducing music to the kids.

Today was Jude's 16th birthday its been awhile since Callie saw or talked to Jude everytime she went over there he was out with a friend .Everyone got together at the house to celebrate.

"Happy Birthday Buddy"Callie went to hug Jude but he pulled away"What are you to olkd for hugs now "she laughed

He said nothing and walked upstairs to his room leaving Callie in shock she went over to Stef "Mom what is going on with him?" Callie asked

"I don"t know he wont talk about you everytime we bring you up he shuts down " she said as she stroke Callie"s hair

"And he only does this with Callie ?" Brandon asked

Apparently,he talks to everyone about everything,but everytime you are brought up he tries to change the subject"Stef told them

"Oh no" Callie started sobbing Brandon hugged her

" I need to talk to him and get to the bottom of this" She went to his room ,she vknocked on the door

He looked u at her then went back to what he was doing

"Jude come on we need to talk i need to know what is going on with you ,I'm your sister you never keep how your feeling from me"she knelt down in front of him"Jude talk to me "

Still nothing he kept reading

Lena walked by and saw the two of them."Hey can i come in?" she asked

Callie looked at Lena with tears in her eyes " aHe wont talk to me that has never happened before"She got all hysterical

"Callie, honey calm down don't strees voer this it's not good for the baby"

Callie put her hand on her belly "Oh no"

Callie what is it honey ?" Lena asked

"I know what is making him shut down on only me "She said

"What is it " Lena asked lookking confused

"it's the baby "she said as she cried all over again

"Callie I'm sure it's not the baby"she tried to reasure her ,but as soon as she said the baby Jude stiffened up

"See" she pointed to Jude "Its's the baby" she said as she ran out of the room .Callie ran down the stairs and straight inot Brandon's arms

"Callie Baby,whats wrong " he held her tighter to calm down

All she was able to say was "the baby"and Brandon got really nervous "The baby is the baby ok"he started to panick

"Brandon calm down,the baby is fine Callie just talk to Jude and figured out Jude is upset about the baby"

"Oh honey" he kissed her head

"Are you sure"Stef said as she went to Callie

"Yes as soon as the baby was mentioned he stiffened up "He hates me " she cried into Brandon

"Callie why don't you go lie down"Stef said as she rubbed her back

"That's a good idea,go on honey "Bradon told her

"You wont leave me?" she asked him

"No i wont I"ll tell you what we will spend the night go on " he kissed he forehead and she went upstairs.

"Mom" they both heard the voice and turned around

"Jude how could you treat your sister like this"Brandon yelled at him

"Brandon, honey calm down"Stef said as she pulled him back

" No Mom ,Callie has done everything for him and gave up her childhood to protect him.And when she finally feels some sort of happiness for herself he takes it away from her just like that" he snapped his finger.He pushed pass him and left the house

"Jude honey you ok?"Stef asked " He is just protective over her it will be ok"she kissed him and went to check on Callie ,she found her on Brandon"s bed rubbing in her stomach looking at the ceiling

"You ok?" Stef asked as she walked in

"I don't get this I thought he was ok " she looked at Stef

Stef sat on the bed and cuddled with her " He will be he is probabley feeling like this baby is going to replace him,For the longest time it's been you and him"

Callie layed on Stef :"I always wanted a family if my own but if it menas my brother hates me for it ,then i don't want it "she cried into Stef

"Honey don't say that,Jude just needs reasurence that you are never going to leave him"Stef kissed her head and Callie fell asleep in Stef arms" I I love you my Baby " she told her as she tucked her in and left the room.

She found Brandon sitting on the floor"Hey B"she sat on the floor with him "

"Mom I'm not going to apoligize for my out burst towards Jude" he said

"I wasn't going to say anything honey "she looked at him

"How is she ?" Brandon asked

" She is asleep right now "she patted his knee

"Why can"t Jude let Callie be happy for once " he said

"He is just scared Callie is going to replace him "She said

"She could never do that 'she didn't the first time we got together"

"I know but this is different now you two are goingt to have a baby and for his whole his was Callie's baby "she told him

"I get it " he got up off the floor

"Hey where are you going?" she asked Brandon

"To say goodnight to my wife and child then crawl into bed with her its been a long day"he smile at her

"Aww look at my baby all grown up 'soomn enough you'll feel what I feel like right now"she said

Brandon walked into the room and saw Callie asleep holding her belly with a smile on her face. He knelt down on the floor "My Callie" he rubbed her cheek'she opened her eyes.

"My Brandon" she whispered

"Oh I'm sorry i didn't mean to wake you 'go back to sleep"

" No it's ok,i can't sleep without you holding " she held out her arms to him with a puppy dpg face.He got into bed with her

" I think i have an idea for Jude to feel like your not going to replace him" he said as he stroke her back

"What?" she asked as she looked at him

"Let's make Jude the Godfather to this baby" he rubbed her stomach"What do you think?"he asked

"I love it"she kissed him,the baby kicked "I think the baby loves it too" Callie laughed and kissed him "Ilove you " she smiled

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