So. Transphobia

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My dad is transphobic so there's no way I'm coming out to him, and my mum tells my dad most of the things I tell her (you know, close relationships and all ig?) so I can't tell her.

My dad only really knows about MtF, FtM, and genderfluid which is kind of yikes. I don't know how he feels about the binary transgender community but I do know that he thinks genderfluid people are just special snowflakes.

I do have like one (1) enby friend but idk I haven't talked to him about my gender and he hasn't really talked much about his. (I probably know more about his than he does about mine but)
Edit: he recently came out as ftm, and his preferred name is Quinn, so as of this chapter assume that when I talked about Quinn being nonbinary, he just hadn't realised yet

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